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Hai there. I'm Rainbow Veins, aka Morgan. ^_^ I've been playing neopets on and off since 2006, but I seem to be really getting into it and getting the hang of it now. *_*


As for other hobbies, asides from neopets, graphics, music, Japan (arharharhar!), art, writing, being laaazzy.


So yea. Hai there. 8D

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Hey Morgan :D I'm Iona, nice to meet you ^_^


Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll like it here and have plenty of people to socialize with and get help/advice about neopets & other stuff from.


I likes music, graphics, anime, art...sometimes and being lazy too :whistle: *high-fives*


See you around! :woot:

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Olá, Morgan! I am Inês and "lazy" is my middle name, haha.

First, I must say I love your name. :) Second, welcome to the TDNforums! I hope you'll have fun!

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