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Daily Dare TNT Staff Voting Has Begun!

Jenny ^_^

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You can vote for which TNT sub team you think will win this week's game, which is Imperial Exam. Place your vote here to vote for team Scaly-wags with Dragonia and Viola, or team Inept Megalomania with Kid Hawk and Mr. Insane. For more information on TNT staff voting, click here.




Thank you to user Sakurabelle for the heads up!

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This is my first time participating in this event :P

It actually make me want to play games for once!

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Something Has Happened!

ddstaff_tourney.gifYou are now eligible to use 'Daily Dare Neopets Staff Tournament' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Yay for new avatars! I wonder what else there will be for prizes.

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I didn't get an avatar for voting in the staff tournament... how did you get one?


When did you vote? TNT mentioned that if you voted earlier in the day and didn't receive the avatar, you should get it just by visiting the page again.

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