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One of the hotter debates as if right now, at least in the US, is the legalization of Marijuana. Do you, the users of TDN, believe that Cannibis should be legalized or should it become a crime to posses it? Support your ideas with facts and figures!!!!!


Also I request that in your post, you do not use slang - use the term 'Cannibis' or 'Marijuana'. And remember respect the rules of the debate forums!


Useful References - Against Legalization





Useful References - For Legalization

http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=3418#question4 (read on down)




Statuses in Europe

Statuses in the States


I think it should stay illegal because it can cause people to make the biggest mistake of their life that would change it forever. Plus, it could get in the wrong hands and you know what happens.


I respect Amsterdam and it's legalisation process..it's a great step towards globalisation. It's used for cooking oils, ropes and textures and is grown legally and termed 'hemp' all around the world..it's a pretty good industry niche..


Yeah,there's medicial Cannabis..I think it's only availible in the States and Canada though..


I don't think it should be legalised - ie legal to smoke and sell as a recreational drug.

I think it should be DECRIMINALISED - ie if you are caught using recreationally I don't think you should go to jail. If you are a dealer though, that is when you should be charged.


I agree with its use medicinally and the many uses of hemp such as fibre, cloth etc. But speaking as a person who has been a social user in the past (quit once the novelty wore off), made a (very cool!) documentary about usage and been around both past and present smokers for many years, I don't think it should be as easy to get as cigarettes. (Even though cigarettes should be banned anyway hehe)


The reason I don't think it should be legalised to smoke is this: I have spent many years of my life as family and friend of smokers of marijuana and can attest that yes it does do damage to you. Unfortunately, many people I know never did quit, and instead of smoking socially, ie at parties, or occasional use it turned into full blown junkie status. Every single day, not just once, twice, TONNES. All day. Every day. It has significantly damaged their memory, capacity to think and reason logically, their reliability as friends and family and once damage to your actual brain cells occurs there is no way to reverse the process. :cigar:


I don't see why it's illegal in the first place..it's just a plant..


I just googled an old poem a friend once recited...and some pretty hardcore results came up... ----------------------------------------- is one of them. Don't go there unless it's for educational purposes, it's actually kinda informative..


Mod Edit: Link removed due to it's obscene nature


I think if Marijuana is to become legal at all, that is should only be used with professionals such as chefs and doctors. People get high all the time from it and it does do bad stuff.


I've known from experience, its really bad stuff.


Yea, it's just a plant, but some people do innapropiate things with it and that's why it should only get to the hands of trustworthy professionals and should be distributed in very small portions. If they make it legal, I'm sure people will abuse it and it'd get worse. The smokers would find any way to get as much as they can, even plant them, get high and cause an accident. So in order to make it legal, they would have to create a special program and get enough money for it.

I don't see why it's illegal in the first place..it's just a plant..


I just googled an old poem a friend once recited...and some pretty hardcore results came up... is one of them. Don't go there unless it's for educational purposes, it's actually kinda informative..


That link came up blank for me? Well it's true that it's just a plant, but plants do many things. Poisons can be made from plants as well, they shouldn't be legalised hehe


Huh,the link worls for me. Additional warning: By accessing that webpage you lose the ability to blame in any way whatsoever. And if any repercussions do come my way, be it from angry parents, mods, or anyone,I shall sue you. You have been warned.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just have one question.

What is the upside for the majority of the population?


they should legalize it and tax it just like they do cigarettes and if your worried about the 'impared' part just do same rules as alcohol. those will stop people allot more then the current set up and make the government money(yay them) and making everything surrounding it safer(which actually causes more problems then Marijuana itself) that also means personal growing and selling would go down because business would be doing it, and we all know its cheaper for them todo it. now just for sake of hte issue no i dont think anyone should smoke it just like cigarettes but i still dont think it should be as it is currently legal wise, its not really worse then cigarettes and alcohol its just everything else that currently goes with it.


Just what we need.

Another legal murder machine.


If they legalize marijuana, we'll all get murdered. I think instead of making the bad stuff legal, they should make the bad stuff ilegal or at least have a limit. I mean seriously, what's next, legalize guns and bombs?


um first guns are legeal as long as you followhte laws and getthem legeally,.. second marijuana dose not murder or kill people.. show me an example of it killing someone? and i dont mean someone being murdered OVER it becuase people aer murdered over allot of stupid stuff, and taking the illegeal nss out of marijuana will mean you dont have to go deal with 'those type of people' to have it which will make that aspect of it safer, and i also dont mean doing somthign stupid while on it and it getting you killed, same thing can happen on alcohol which is a legeal substance which can actully cause you physical damage when done excessivly.. i mean marijuana actully killing someone, can you show me any article about that?


It may not kill people but I don't want the smell of marijuana in all public places.


Actually it is the effects of marijuana (when done excessively) that is dangerous. And I seriously think that if people who smoke marijuana ilegally now are going over the top, then imagine if it was legal. People do stupid things when they are under the influence so that's why I think we should also make the rest of the bad stuff ilegal or have a control system to prevent people from overdoing them. And yea I don't think I would like to be next to a marijuana smoker. Second-hand smoking is as bad as first-hand.


yes but they are no worse at imparing peolpe then alcohol. and no one says you have to be around them? they could easily make it that it can only be done in private establishments/residents. your not allow to walk around and drink in public after all, same concept. as far as the people that over do it.. it dosnt matter to them if its legeal or not so why would it being legal make them smoke more? i dont belive that most poeple who smoke smoke more then they should most of the ones that i knowtht do it, its an ocasional recrational thing. my rother is another story he dose over do it, but he dose noting stupider or more dangerous then he dose on alcohol infact he dose worst stuff on the alcohol. i agree of course that people shouldnt smoke it, that i dont want it done around me, that it will not be done in my house and you will not be alloud at my parties if i can tell that you are high, justl ike i do not like people that over drink they never get invited to my parties again. but i honestly think that allot of the bad issues that go along with it would clear up if it was legeal(and with the same restrictions as alcohol and smokeing) in a dream world we could just get rid of all of it but thats not goign to happen making it illegeal just means thatits more dangerous to be around but that dosnt stop people at all, just worsens the situation.


Also, if they make it legal, there will be so many people starting to smoke it that were perfect to begin with. If it stays illegal, those people will stay well also. Maijuana ruins people's lives so feaking easily.


no the peolpe that choose to make those types of things the focus of their life are the ones ruining it, poeple should take responsibility not blame other things.


its incredibly easy to get ahold of as is i dont see very many people starting it that hadnt done it before.


There is absolutely no upside if the government legalizes it

they could easily make it that it can only be done in private establishments/residents


That's what I'm saying, if the government really wants to make it legal; however, not everyone will obey the rules lol if they don't do it now, I doubt they will if they make it legal. I'm just saying we shouldn't give them one more reason to do bad stuff. I think before making it legal, the government should control what is "legal" right now such as alcohol and cigarettes. Even though alcohol is well legal, look at all the accidents and deaths drunk people have caused. It's not easy to avoid that, they can just appear out of nowhere.


In know (at least for the US) it's related to the prohibition and the effects people saw that it had on the Coke drinkers.


And after briefly looking on the internet, the European countries seemed to follow suit in the 70s. Probably from seeing the effects of the 60s in America x_x

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