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Retrieving an Old Account...


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I used to play neopets years ago, but like so many people I lost interest and forgot all of my account information. I have a new account now, obviously, but I've been thinking about getting a side account. However I would really rather get my old account back rather than create a new one. My old account hasn't been deleted and my pets are still there, but I have no idea what the password might be and I don't have access to the email address I used for it either. Does anyone know if I can get locked out of an account if I guess the password wrong too many times? Should I just send in a ticket to TNT? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Definitely send a ticket, and include all the previous e-mail addresses and pass words that you may have used.

However if you can't access your e-mail address from that account you wont be able to get into it :( I've had this trouble before

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Happy update! I had started filling out a ticket to send to TNT, but one of the sections has 'past passwords' and I thought to myself, "Well gee, if I could remember that I wouldn't have to do any of this..." So I went ahead and made a list of all the passwords I might have been using at that time and decided to try and log in. On my third try I saw lawyerbot and thought, "Oh no! I'm locked out!" But that's when I noticed he was saying the terms and conditions had changed since I last logged in! I have my account back! The only sad thing is that I was hoping my pets would have remained unconverted since they hadn't been accessed in so long. No such luck. But I'm happy to have my account back. :)

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