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Today, I logged onto Neopets and I had a little exclaimation mark thing in the top corner (Like... in the place where you get events from Trades?) and when I clicked on it, it took me to a 'Neomail' thing from TNT?


It was blank? :O

I'm super confused...


It was sent, forever ago?

According to the date on the Neomail.

But, I'm confused.... :(


Should I be worried?

Was it a Glitch?

Or like a Warning, or something?




Hmm, I don't think it's anything to worry about. Like Brandon said, it seems like a simple mistake.


Really, Could it just be a Mistake? :D


I've had TNT contact me a few times, But they were just Simple Neomails about things like 'Your score for Extreme Herder has been reviewed, and blahblahblah you now have a Trophy!' and 'You have purchased an NC item!' and things like that.

I was actually really scared when I saw the little exclaimation mark thing in the top corner of my page D:


I think that it was something about their neomails in last editorial but I don't remember what. :D Maybe you should check it and maybe you will find answer. I think that they had some problems with neomails. :D


As I understand it TNT has a special system for delivering those messages to you, that can be hooked up to both automated and manual (from TNT mods) stuff. So it's likely that someone just accidentally sent you a message, meaning you can safely ignore it. :)


Oh snap...TnT is so mad at you that they can't even talk about it. It's like "GO TO YOUR ROOM! I WILL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!"




You're probably safe :) Like everyone else said, it's probably a mistake. You can't go on message boards or anything, so I can't think of much you'd be warned for lol :laughingsmiley:


TNT should REALLY implement a "sent" folder for NMs so you can see what NMs you've sent out, grrr!


Like everyone's said, you should be fine. But if you want to know for sure, you could submit a ticket so you know and aren't worrying for nothing.


Maybe it was a secret code. And they will give you 100 million neopoints for figuring out what they were trying to say to you :P

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