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Well I moved about a year ago so I dont have any friends where I live now, but I recently got divorced and I last night I saw a picture of my ex with his new girlfriend. They started dating the same month we got married (really crappy, right?). So I'm just feeling really sad and this is the only place I ever post anything! :sad02:

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Uhh, That is really icky. Unfortunately I'm not really sure how to cheer you up but maybe try looking at some 'funny' captioned pictures http://www.tasteofawesome.com/ admitedly the last couple from today are not funny but who knows. And we're all here for you :yes: in whatever way we can be.

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Oh darling that is horrible. I know it's such a cliche, but there are plenty more fish in the sea and that bloke obviously wasn't good enough for you. Living in a place where you don't know anyone could be a blessing in disguise! You could re-invent yourself, start all over again, meet some new people and start a new circle of friends. Maybe try joining a community club in your area? Acting, singing, karate, dancing - all great places where you'll meet interesting and outgoing people! You have the perfect opportunity to find someone who deserves and appreciates you for who you are! I know it's hard, but try not to let your Ex's actions get you upset, you're the better person, and you're going to come out on top. It's karma and you deserve so much better.

Try and keep your chin up honey. If you need to talk please message me on here or on neopets. x

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Yea, it was pretty sucky. Thank everyone for responding!

I would join clubs and stuff, but I have other reasons that I can't do that right now, including a baby. I know that theres someone better, but it is still sad to have lost and know what could have been. Really I don't know what went wrong or why he did that. Everything had been going well at the time so who knows. He hasn't contacted me in about 6 months so I have no idea what is going on there anymore. *shrug*

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Yea, it was pretty sucky. Thank everyone for responding!

I would join clubs and stuff, but I have other reasons that I can't do that right now, including a baby. I know that theres someone better, but it is still sad to have lost and know what could have been. Really I don't know what went wrong or why he did that. Everything had been going well at the time so who knows. He hasn't contacted me in about 6 months so I have no idea what is going on there anymore. *shrug*


You have a baby together and he hasn't spoken to you in 6 months?!

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Does he have any contact with his kid?! :grrr:


No hes NEVER spent any time with the kiddo and apparently isnt interested. I tried to call his mom today to see what is going on (just in general since he wont return my calls) and she blantantly lied to me....so cant count on that huh

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Wow, i'm hoping and assuming you won't mind my saying so, so what a jerk. That's not the word I wanna say either.

Same @ his mom.


Like Wembly said, try that website. Look at smartphowned and unfriendable while you're there too. -nodnod-


All are great scheer up sites. :P

Might I recommend Whose Line Is It Anyway as well if you don't already watch it?

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Oh my god, darling. I'm so sorry you have had to go through that. Being a single mom is tough stuff. I know. My mom raised me and my brother all by herself. Unfortunately, with Mr. Wrong, it seems the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, if his mom is willing to lie to you, the mother of her grandchild, her own flesh and blood.


I hate that he can know he has a child, and not spend any time with him whatsoever.


All I can say is that I'm sure you'll be an awesome mom, and I'm certain your kid will turn out amazing.


As for being alone, as long as you're here, you've got friends in us. I love this community because it's open, warm, friendly, and inviting. As for making friends in the real world, time will solve that problem. Maybe you can find a group for mothers with young children, and maybe set up some play dates for kiddo and for you, with the other moms. Just a thought. It seems to be a rather popular thing these days.


I hope you feel less lonely very very soon! I know what it's like, and I don't wish that on anyone.


I wish I had been able to reply earlier but I've had a migraine all day and have had trouble reading my screen for the majority of it. So if something I said doesn't make sense, I'm sorry, it seemed like it did in my brain at the time, lol.


I hope you feel better soon :) I hope those sites people posted were cheering.

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Thanks everyone for the support. I FINALLY got a hold of him last night for a minute where he explained it was MY job to keep him up on what was happening, he doesn't need to keep in touch with us....that my part, and then hung up on me....so I suppose thats that

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