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I have been inspired to write again. This happens only every so often, and completely ended once my cat got sick, but you know, what with AA and Seliphra talking about RPing, and all that.


My cats are getting along together now. They even sleep together occasionally. The only time Misha gets angry with Jasmine is when she wants to play with him. But he's not feeling well again (I can tell because he's eating more wet food than dry food again...).


Spring is supposedly coming early... according to the ground hog, anyway. I look forwards to the warmer temperatures, because I will be in less pain.




I am sick. I am stuck in my house because I cannot get other people sick. I am tired of being sick. I want to go outside. I am going crazy. I have basically exhausted everything I usually do on the computer. I am tired of repeating myself trying to find something new to do.


My scanner is broken. My cats were playing/fighting/whatever, and knocked it off my desk. It hit the floor and broke the screen. Thankfully, I was able to make sure none of it ended up on the ground, so thereby saving my feet, and my cats from injury. But now I have to replace it, which I cannot do until I get at least a bit better, or can get someone to run that errand for me. Frustrating to say the least, because I had an art piece, done in watercolor, that I wanted to upload today for someone on the forums. But now it will have to wait.


I can't eat solid food. I can't swallow it. I am existing on a diet of liquids, popsicles, and soup. I am sick of all of them. I don't know what to do about that except scream, lol.


So yeah, I'm getting cabin fever or something. Somebody help me before I go insane!!!


Well, I'm glad to hear I'm being inspiring at least. xD I'm not much good at counsellor-y style talk, so I guess I'll get straight to the point and dig into my list of Internet-based distractions. Hopefully I have something you haven't found already. :P


  • Not Always Right is an amusing site I often drop by when I start to think I have a tough time making help posts.
  • I'm not sure if you're into StarCraft commentary (if you are, you probably know this already) but HuskyStarcraft is the #1 YouTube channel for entertaining SC commentary. :yes:


Bleh. Sorry you're feeling sick, hope you feel better soon. I'm not sure if you wanted some other sites that you may not have seen to amuse your time possibly but I personally do enjoy some 'funny' captioned pictures http://www.tasteofawesome.com/ or some amusing anecdotes of life http://mylifeisaverage.com/ or a cute love story http://love.givesmehope.com/ or amuse yourself and others with reading useless trivia http://www.omg-facts.com/


Or if you're feeling inspired to write a quick poem or story or one sentence or whatnot and need a topic, why not try something about my Lenny, Leonard_Lennington or Leo for short :whistle: 4.png


Haha, thanks. I'm not big on Youtube, because I find it rather irritating sometimes. And because I prefer television :P


Though I will check it out after my main shows are done tonight. :P


And I am now reading the whole Not Always Right thing. :D




Ooooooh. More sites :D

<3 <3 <3


Thanks guy and gal :D


Not a problem. We're always happy to help out a fellow citizen of the Internet. ;)


If it turns out you do like StarCraft commentary, Husky is probably an excellent choice for listening when you're bored. His commentary isn't super-advanced-high-level-epic-strategy stuff, but he's a skilled player who knows what he's talking about, and he has a great sense of humour. :yes:


More links for ya, along the lines of StarCraft commentary:

  • HD is another skilled StarCraft player and commentator, who takes on a more analytical style and is a good source for learning intermediate level play (well, I'm learning a lot from him, but that's not saying much xD ).
  • Psy is a very skilled, top-tier StarCraft player with plenty of very advanced high-level commentary, especially when it comes to analysing Zerg players (like himself).


Pffft, Zerg. :D I don't play Zerg. I can, but not well. I prefer the races in this order:




Though if need be, I can play Zerg absolutely terribly to teach someone what NOT to do :D


I will definitely check them out in a few minutes :D


Heh, I'm more of a Terran guy myself. The micromanagement gets irritating at times, but it keeps me focused, and it's good to know that I can have my surviving defences back up to full strength in a matter of seconds. :yes: Yes, defence is all I really do. xD


I did occasionally play Zerg in Brood War (and found it relaxing not to have to do anything when my buildings took damage), and I was fairly decent at Mutalisk harassment, but that was about it. The one time I tried Zerg in SC2, I got steamrolled by the Terran easy AI and its army of marines, marauders, hellions and siege tanks, while I was trying to tech up to Mutalisks and defend with about... six Zerglings.


I played Terran before I played Protoss. The micro-management and intense strategy required was too much for me as a beginner. So I switched to protoss, and started winning games. XD


On a totally unrelated note, my kitten is a pig, and eats her food too fast and then gets hiccups. LOL


Eh, Jasmine will figure things out eventually. xD


In Brood War, I didn't have much of a grasp of real Terran strategy (I'm a little more aggressive in SC2, but still learning, and I don't get to play much). I just walled in with supply depots, filled up my bunkers, and churned out siege tanks. Actually winning the game was an afterthought. :P


LOL! Oh my goodness. Hahhaa. Sorry. I shouldn't laugh. Winning the game is always in my thoughts, but I used to turtle too, when I got scared. Usually later game than earlier. XD


I am HIGHLY competitive, and I hate losing... However, I don't mind so much if I am playing with a friend.


Another completely unrelated note. I told Jasmine to stop attacking the shower curtain. She did so immediately, and then just as quickly (in the same motion, actually) attacked Misba, LOL!!!


Heh, no worries, I'm a very casual player and I really don't mind losing at all (in anything really). So we'd probably make a very good fit for a StarCraft match. :P


Hm. I have this image of Misha in my head, as a grumpy old guy with a long beard and a cane. xD *jealous* I want that cane!


Nah, he's not so grumpy... He's just not feeling good. And Jasmine keeps finding ways to invade all of his personal spaces. I'm trying to teach her that certain places are his, but it's hard, sometimes, when I don't want to punish her for getting into places that are his only solace right now, but will be free for her to spend time in when he is gone... But I spanked her for being on the entertainment center, as if she falls off, that's a really high height, and she WILL get hurt. I cannot afford to lose her to an accident. It would more than break my heart... So I have to make sure that she kows that while she is tiny and fragile, she is not allowed to go up on that surface >.<


Aww. :( Well, hopefully they'll learn to enjoy each other's company in time. And I'm sure she'll figure out what's safe and what's not before too long. :)


Actually, she fell off it today, and hit the freezer on her way down, so I honestly hope she got scared enough NOT to go up there again. >.< She REALLY scared me >.<


On the plus side, I am starting to feel a bit better, so I am going to try eating a REAL meal tonight, lol.


Learning the hard way... ouch! x_x Glad to hear she's okay though.


Good luck with that meal! Gotta get those rations down if you want to keep yourself and your Gauss rifle on the field. ;)


Wait... you're Protoss. And Protoss don't have mouths, so... xD


Lmao. Eating through osmosis, then ;)


And she seems to have at the very least bruised one of her legs. If she doesn't show improvement, or gets worse on it over the next couple days, I will have to take her to the vet. >.<


You'll be feeding on a real psionic meal then. :P


:( If Jasmine is anything like me (hopelessly clumsy and accumulates painful but minor bruises like a cloaked Banshee attracts ComSat scans), hopefully she'll heal up quickly.


Fingers, toes, and psi-blades crossed on my part. She'll make it through. :)


She should be okay. My experience with cats tells me that if they act mostly fine, they are. They'll get all grumpy and whiny if they're not. :P And even though they look tiny and fragile, they're actually pretty strong. You probably fell a couple of times when you were little, right? And you didn't suffer any permanent damage.


And my cat who likes to be everywhere she shouldn't was exploring the top of the kitchen cabinets when she was about 4 years old I think (so I was about 12.) She knocked into a knife stand and sent various blades shooting down at me AND my other cat. It terrified all three of us, but we're none the worse for wear. And then another time she scared the other cat so bad that he forgot everything except the bathtub, so he spent two weeks in there re-learning who we all were. Again, none the worse for wear. Those fragile things are pretty resilient.


Yeah, as long as she is not injured internally, she will be just fine :) My uncle made me feel quite a bit better, and you have done the same. I'll be able to sleep tonight, at least. I just hope she starts acting like a normal kitten again soon >.<


Some great sites on this thread, just had to chime in. I sit at work and (now) lurk on these forums all day with nothing to do. Also, I love cats and must say they can usually take a pretty good beating and be fine. But I'm glad your cats are fine and I hope you're feeling better!

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