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My fiance is stupid sometimes.....

Judge of Paradise

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So with the faeries giving out quests lately, He and I have been getting stat boosts, the thing is, he's not that well acquainted with neopets since he joined last year, and I sometimes have to "hold his hand" when it comes to navigating the site.


So I was explaining quests, and how the number one quest he'd want would be from the Fountain Fairy. That way he could paint his Lupe Grey or his Jetsam Pirate.


Two days ago, he tells me he gets the Fountain Fairy as a quest.


... but he DECLINED HER because her item was too expensive (700k)


I nearly flying kicked him >D<


But in curiosity, knowing he can't navigate the site to save his life sometimes, I logged onto his account just to see what had happened.


..... he hit the back button, thankfully he did not hit "abandon" at the bottom.


I am going to lecture him a lot tonight.


and hopefully his Lupe or Jetsam will be pirate or grey after this Dx

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Haha, that is kind of a hilarious story. Nice save on your part. I'm sure it was not particularly amusing when you realized what he did at the time but in retrospect...Haha, seriously though when I read that my eyes got this big :woot: but with this facial expression :ohno:

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I'm constantly surprised by the number of people who abandon FFQs because the item is expensive. It's not like there's a time limit on saving up the Neopoints for whatever she asks for. And FFQs are always going to be cheaper than the more expensive paintbrushes. Unless your dream colour is Cloud, it's probably worth it.


Both Grey and Pirate are more expensive than that quest, so 700k is definitely a deal. Thank goodness he didn't actually abandon the quest!

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nice save! im still hoping i get one soon... i have 4 maraquan dream pets i want soooo 9mil x4 = wayyyyy too much. i do have lab map but i never get good colors so im hoping i get a ffq. not counting on it though. just happy im getting the quests i am getting :)

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Don't get me wrong, I love the man to bits, but I was all WARGARBLE *random grarrl noises* when I heard he did that.


T-T;;; th-thank goodness. I might have to be the one to "paint" his pet too.


paint it faerie to teach him a lesson, then again he might be like me and actually like faerie painted pets.

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Geez. I have gone to get my faerie quest every day of this event and I have only gotten one special faerie and that was the crafting faerie when we could get two in one day.


I want a FFQ so bad and I would be so upset if someone in my family got it and then quit it because the item was to expensive.

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Wow. lol...Quite lucky he didn't abandon it.


My fellow joined...played a few games...then I ended up taking care of his pets....and eventually the account was passed to me. -.- (this happens pretty frequently with games/sites I show him. lol)

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