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Sorry, The quality of her picture isn't very good :(

The beauty contest Size-Limit thing meant I had to practically kill the original, just so I could enter her.


I'm hoping she'll get another trophy! :D

Which is... Rather hard, considering I can't advertise on the Neoboards :O


Your vote has been cast for Pollyatta


I think it looks great :)


What's the reason for you not being able to advertise it on the neoboards?


Go Pollyatta and Atta!! :D I voted! :)


What's the reason for you not being able to advertise it on the neoboards?


I believe she's underage, and so can't access the neoboards :worried:


Thank you all for voting! :D

I'm so excited about this, Considering I haven't been able to enter her for a long time now!

I hope we get another trophy :O

That would be amazing.


And, Yes, I'm underage so I can't post on the Neoboards :(

But, I can still do almost everything else!


I'm sure you'll get a trophy, though idk about gold because Chic's owner has been advertising constantly on the boards. I would totally advertise for you if it was allowed though :/


Chic is cute, anyway :O

If I hadn't of entered Polly, I would have definitely voted for her :)


Even if I don't get gold, atleast I'll be able to draw more pictures of Pollyatta, and enter her again? :D


Yeah, definitely! :D That's the one thing about being gold banned...you have to wait months!! :D


Have you tried entering the Art Gallery? :)


I'd like to enter autery into the Beauty contest sometime soon, But I can never get his face to look right :(

Maybe I should try next week, anyway? :D

I love the Beauty Contest!

It's addicting.


The art Gallery?

I've never actually tried before!

I wouldn't have any clue on what to draw if I wanted to enter.


That is a lovely drawing! Good competition for Chic. ;)


Your vote has been cast for Pollyatta


Thank you for voting~ :D

I really appreciate it!

This week I seem to have quite some tough competition.


Thank you for voting, :D


is it difficult to win a bc? are there a lot of people that vote?



that looks really nice, did you do it by hand or on the computer?


It really depends on what you mean by Win the BC, actually :O

Because you can get trophies in species, or in Main!

So, There are really many ways to 'win' the BC?

It's easier to get trophies in species Categories, if your pets species is Unloved/Not popular.


Lots of people vote!

If you advertise...



I drew it on the computer :D

With SAI


The art Gallery?

I've never actually tried before!

I wouldn't have any clue on what to draw if I wanted to enter.


Well you can draw pretty much anything :) Especially look at upcoming specials, for example, Mynci Day, Gadgadsbogen, and Uni Day are coming up soon :D So you could draw stuff for those events :yes:


Your vote has been cast for Pollyatta


I voted because normally I think Moehogs aren't that pretty but you made one look beautiful (x


Thank you guys, for voting :D

I love you all!


And, I think I'll try entering the Art gallery... :O

It seems fun!


Your vote has been cast for Pollyatta


That's one gorgeous moehog xD. Go try for the Art Gallery indeed! I've never gotten over my inertia to submitting a decent piece of art xD. I'd suggest doing a piece for an upcoming neo day or event :). Do show us your works if you do decide on trying!


Good luck for BC!


Thank you for voting :D


And, I think I'll try enter for some pet days in March?

Considering I seem to have decided to enter at the wrong time, If I wanted to enter for February :O


Thank you for voting :D


I'm so excited about this, I missed being able to Enter Pollyatta into the BC. :)

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