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Er, I didn't see a forums on Eggcave, so I hope it's okay that I post here :)


First, post here if you have an Eggcave, so we can friend each other and feed our eggy-weggs! (That is, if we haven't already!)



I'm just curious, what does taking the eggs traveling do? Does it make them happy? I saw that it gives them a background. And when do they come back?


Also, is there anything else I should be doing with the money I'm earning from feeding other people's eggs? I've taken all of my eggs traveling. ...now what? hehe :)


Finally...I want a Calla! *stomps feet* How can I get one?

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Hi Iam glad you made an egg cave area I havent seen one eatheir Iam not taking firend quest but if you feed

mine ill feed yours post on my proflie when you feed mineiam not always here thou.



The travels dont make them any happier there just to make the pet look preetier

there only one other thing you can save your cc for more tavels Tims and a calla if you havent gotten one yet :3

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