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Queen Fyora To Speak Monday!


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You can turn down quests and if doesn't affect getting the end prize. But, if you turn one down, you have to wait until the next day to get another one. (You also don't have to do quests at all to get the end prize.)

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You can turn it down. I would, most likely, even though I have NC. But you could wait a bit, and see if people with NC quests that completed them, post. And you can see what they got, and if it's worth it to you.

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So, the end reward is only based on you collecting the free gift every day, quests doesn't matter?


That's what the FAQs say. But I recommend reading them yourself, to make sure I didn't mis-read anything.

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That's what the FAQs say. But I recommend reading them yourself, to make sure I didn't mis-read anything.

Thanks, yeah, I just read it. :)


I'll try to do every quest I can anyway, though. ^^



Oh, and all I had to get was Lime Elixir. ;D

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