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How to get a hold of TNT?


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So, here is my issue: I was frozen at the end of July unjustly for (Ban reason: This account was found to be posting inappropriate messages (ie: bad language, insults, chain letters, etc.) on the message boards, guild boards, or other site areas.) Anyway, the problem lies that obviously I didn't post bad language. My account was silverkada and I have been playing neopets since 6 years ago. That account however was a over 2 years old. I had spent over $500 on NC and not to mention the other stuff I bought on the site, like premium and stuff like that. My old account before Silverkada was CGed and I lost over $300 on that account as well. I contacted TNT and they never gave me hope I'd get that account back, so I gave up because my guild members suggesting to rebuild and ignore it. Although once I rebuilt and then got iced again for doing NOTHING I broke down. I was at work that day and wasn't even able to access my account. I had a VVWN UC Faerie Xweetok which meant the world to me. A RN Pirate Draik with 200 even Stats a Maraquan Draik and a very loved Pirate Xweetok. I lost them all and it just hurts because even though they are just pixels, I created something special from it all. I had a lot of friends, I roleplayed, I drew for them, I created stories, and now it is all gone. Besides that I was an avvie collector and just....thinking about having to collect all those again and the trophies, it isn't a fun trip for me. I can't rebuild. To be honest, just forget how much I spent on the darn account 'cause all I really want is my pets back. I truly miss them and I don't care how stupid I sound. I liked the site because I started to play it as a little kid and when you grow up with neo you become attached to it.


So this is what I did to try and resolve the issue at hand. I sent a ticket to neopets telling them I was likely CGed. They contacted me back 2 MONTHS later saying they don't think I was CGed and that I was frozen for sending the F-word. o.o; Now, lets just take a step backwards. Would I really be as stupid and naive to spam the F-word on the boards with my beloved account? Obviously not. So, I went and told this to my younger sister who is 15 and she plays on neopets like I do, but she never got as into it as I did. She told me that she didn't want to tell me this, but she said it might have been her fault I was frozen. It is a long story, but to put it short she told me that she was in my account and I didn't log off before I went to work (because we shared the same computer at the time) and that she was on the boards and she writes poetry (which I can show you more of if you don't believe me) and she accidentally posted a poem with the f-word in it. (which if you want, I can email the poem she posted on one of the boards.) She told me that she forget to check to see if it had cursing and that TNT did filter it out, so she thought nothing would happen. She said she went to play KQ and then was auto logged out. When she saw I was frozen she didn't want to tell me and thought it was a 'hacker' she said. But it took her two months to tell me it was her. I asked her why she was posting crap on my account and she told me it was because she wanted people to think she was cool posting her poetry in my account because people call her a 'newb' on her account. I never let her on my account, but because I love her I don't snap at her if her does. Although she didn't realize it was a horrible thing to do at the time. We're a home schooled Christian family. She acts younger than she is, but regardless I told her that this has created a huge mess for me. She did however apologize.


Here another problem lies because TNT doesn't want to hear that. I told them what happened in September, but they never answered me back and it is Feb 2nd now. I feel like they'll never answer me or read what I had to say. I sent pictures to them of all my NC cards, listen the numbers on the back of them, did whatever I could. I tried to call them having my friend who works for a higher up company contact them, but they always ignore me or say they'll try and resolve it, but they never do anything. If waiting is the thing, I can wait, but being ignored is not cool anymore and I am about fed up with this crap.




For any of you who play neopets, you guys know what I mean. Especially if you have a nice account with pets you worked hard for and NC items you like and spent money on. All I ask is....what can I do? Is there anything left for me to try? I keep praying to God that maybe they'll help me and just understand this was all a mistake. I forgave my little sister and told her that it is just an account, BUT I would still like to have it back. It is what I grew up with and I love neopets even if perhaps neopets doesn't love me back


Thanks to anyone who read this!!

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Hi Demi.


That was quite a heartbreaking story you shared. Recognisable too - I sent many messages similar in tone to TNT when I first lost my account.


Honestly, I do not think there is a lot more than you can do. If you do not feel like rebuilding, don't. I spent the first two years after I lost that first account playing only Meerca Chase and Destruct-O-Match for stress relief. Try to accept what happened. Do not think about what you have lost because Neopets are just pictures and pixels in the end. Therefore the time you have invested in it has not been wasted because you never really had anything to show for it in the first place. I hope that made sense. Sometimes, Neopets users are too focused on a false sense of accomplishment rather than the joy of playing the site.


As a Premium user, you might have some extra leverage. Have you tried calling Neopets? Otherwise, since you did spend a lot of money on the site, you could try going via the legal department.

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Oh thank you for your response. I understand what you're saying. In fact, if it weren't for neopets I likely wouldn't be where I am today. I met some of the most amazing people that are with me today after all these years, but it hurts to know that I can't go back. I guess for me it is...I tried so hard on neopets to finish what I always wanted to gain on the site and once I practically got all those goals, it shattered and I lost everything. One thing that really hurt was, the Draik was given to me from someone I deeply love and care about. No one could replace that person and well, they meant the WORLD to me. They quit neo and gave me their most loved pet and 1 week later I was iced and I just lost it. I didn't know how I could tell that person what happened and I thought they'd stop talking to me, but when they forgave me....it hurt even more 'cause I didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve the pet to begin with. It made me even more upset at TNT for not hearing me out because when it involves the one I love...I dunno. x.o; That was really a long rant, I am sorry.


B-but, is there a contact number I could use you think? I dunno what it is. x.o


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As a Premium user, you might have some extra leverage. Have you tried calling Neopets? Otherwise, since you did spend a lot of money on the site, you could try going via the legal department.


Having worked as a customer service rep for a very large pixel sight that makes a lot of it's money off of real cash paid by users, I can tell you that just becuase you paid money (even a lot of money) it generally has no affect on your ban. When you agree to the Terms of Service and Private Policy upon joining the site they essentially say you can be banned for any reason the site sees fit, regardless of real money paid.


Most of the time the people you contact though the help center cannot even see how much money you've paid, so it does not affect their decision. They can only see the evidence logged against you. Therefore, contacting legal will do you little good, as legal will just tell you that you agreed to their Terms and Conditions.


I'm not trying to sound like a debby-downer here, I'm just trying to explain the system.


In the case you described with your sister, I'm afraid that you're likely very much so out of luck. Neopets cannot tell who was at the computer at the time the content was posted, especially since your sister did it from your computer in which there would be no IP difference, they can only tell that your account posted the content. Seeing as this is all the evidence they have, they must act on it.


I'm very sorry for your loss, I know it's a though situation to be in. And I can assure you that Neopets does care, having been on the other side of that screen, however they must do what they can to maintain the rules and guidelines of the site. )=

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Oh thank you for your response. I understand what you're saying. In fact, if it weren't for neopets I likely wouldn't be where I am today. I met some of the most amazing people that are with me today after all these years, but it hurts to know that I can't go back. I guess for me it is...I tried so hard on neopets to finish what I always wanted to gain on the site and once I practically got all those goals, it shattered and I lost everything. One thing that really hurt was, the Draik was given to me from someone I deeply love and care about. No one could replace that person and well, they meant the WORLD to me. They quit neo and gave me their most loved pet and 1 week later I was iced and I just lost it. I didn't know how I could tell that person what happened and I thought they'd stop talking to me, but when they forgave me....it hurt even more 'cause I didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve the pet to begin with. It made me even more upset at TNT for not hearing me out because when it involves the one I love...I dunno. x.o; That was really a long rant, I am sorry.


B-but, is there a contact number I could use you think? I dunno what it is. x.o


Do you think that's one of the reasons they banned you? Because of the pet or?


The only way I can think of is to send them support emails, or try to contact them on Facebook.

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Having worked as a customer service rep for a very large pixel sight that makes a lot of it's money off of real cash paid by users, I can tell you that just becuase you paid money (even a lot of money) it generally has no affect on your ban. When you agree to the Terms of Service and Private Policy upon joining the site they essentially say you can be banned for any reason the site sees fit, regardless of real money paid.


Most of the time the people you contact though the help center cannot even see how much money you've paid, so it does not affect their decision. They can only see the evidence logged against you. Therefore, contacting legal will do you little good, as legal will just tell you that you agreed to their Terms and Conditions.


I'm not trying to sound like a debby-downer here, I'm just trying to explain the system.


In the case you described with your sister, I'm afraid that you're likely very much so out of luck. Neopets cannot tell who was at the computer at the time the content was posted, especially since your sister did it from your computer in which there would be no IP difference, they can only tell that your account posted the content. Seeing as this is all the evidence they have, they must act on it.


I'm very sorry for your loss, I know it's a though situation to be in. And I can assure you that Neopets does care, having been on the other side of that screen, however they must do what they can to maintain the rules and guidelines of the site. )=



I do understand that, but agreeing to the rules and terms isn't where my problems lie. =/ I understand what neopets set up as their rules, but the site use to be so much better. I can tell them what happened and that isn't enough. Yea, I get what you mean. They don't see past anything else besides that it happened on my account. It upsets me because they don't care. What I mean to say is that if it were me and I was reading the situation, I could tell the user didn't purposely curse on the site and that the story is true. The only users who do that are newbies or CGers. They're young and like to stir people up. Although since I wasn't like that and my account proved to show that, I thought TNT might have more grace, yet I was wrong about that. It just sucks I was caught in that situation. x.x

Thank you for your message though! ^^

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