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Some Questions?

Master of Puppets

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hello, well this question arose recently when I saw the profile of a user on Neopets.

he has a plushie grundo, but it is different from that displayed all on one side and not the image that is in the rainbow pool, so my question if anyone know how to do so when paint my grundo like there Grundo . because my goal is to purchase a plushie brush.

and if that is possible to do with other pets painted.


PS: I could not contact me by neo-mail, because the user is blocked.


the other is if you tell me how I get out of the guild in which I am now, and if you know a good in which I can join.


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There are pets that are unconverted, which a lot of plushie pets can be. It means, when TNT changed how pets looked, those pets had an option to stay how they were before, and would only change to the new appearance if the owner chose to.


Those pets are now only available through trading Neopets. You can no longer create/paint a pet to look unconverted.

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Maybe it was a UC grundo plushie? A while back, TNT redid all of the original artwork in order to make the pets customizable with clothes and whatnot. Already existing painted pet owners had the option to convert their pets to the new artwork. Pets who still have to original artwork are unconverted, or UC. And that's probably why the grundo you saw looks different.

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You should be able to leave your guild using the 'Leave Guild' link on your Guild's HQ. :yes:

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