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I want to change my Neopet (a Shadow Shoyru, currently) into a Darigan Chomby, and I've been looking into ways to do so.


I understand how magical plushies work, but I'm curious how I can get one (other than auctions and trades). They're R101, which, to my understanding, can't be bought in shops. So, how do the folks who offer them at the Auction House and Trading Post obtain them? o_O


I hope so, too. I mean, it's not critically important, but I'd like to know!


I would think that, if they were only given out by REs, prices would be a lot higher. I've found basic-colored magical Chomby plushies for less than 1,000,000 NP, which seems inexpensive to me... but, maybe, the Chomby just isn't a very popular pet, so demand is low. And I'm probably overthinking this, now. :S


I'm not sure about where to find Magical Plushies. (I will do some research and see what I can find out for you though.)


But on a side note, if you're interested in just creating a Chomby, instead of morphing a current pet, or using a Magical Plushie, Chomby Day is March 22nd, and they release Chombies to be created on that day.


That was my original plan... but I like having just one Neopet. As silly as it sounds, they're like roleplay characters in that I really want to focus on developing one before I make others. (Plus, I'm having a really hard time thinking of a good name for a new pet! All the ones that come to mind are taken. :()


I don't mind saving for a magical plushie or morphing potion. It'll just take me a while, since I'm not so good at RS'ing. I can always try, though. ;) Thank you for your help!

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