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iShould say I'm new :) HOLA!


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Hi! I'm new to TDN but old on neopet(side acc is old...anyway). You can call me AG or whatever you find will suit me(just not Fish...please!). I hope I'll get used to TDN and everyone ^^

Oh, by the way, if I seem random, please don't take it seriously D:

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Heh, welcome to TDN AG - there's no need to worry too much about your randomness, we're pretty random here as well. ;)


Incidentally... do I spy a fellow Chuck fan? :O

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Hi AG welcome to tdn!


Wow 113 avatars in your first week - someone's been busy! What's your favorite that you're going for?

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Spritzie : Haha I hope so D: I'm usually told I really make no sense at all. My replies are somewhat...not needed sometimes!


Kitti : Oh well, I was so angry that I self-froze my account some time ago...with so much avvies *desperate fist in the air* What I'm going for? I don't know ... the map!


"AA" : Yes you did. And a big one. And when I say big I mean it. All the people I know are so frustrated whenever I mention "chuck" x) I guess I just always talk about the show, him and well...him! ....Do you?


Me: Omgg there's Chuck! *heart heart*

Teachers & friends: Yes we know,please stop.


brandongamer : Thank you!

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"AA" : Yes you did. And a big one. And when I say big I mean it. All the people I know are so frustrated whenever I mention "chuck" x) I guess I just always talk about the show, him and well...him! ....Do you?


Me: Omgg there's Chuck! *heart heart*

Teachers & friends: Yes we know,please stop.

Eh. I'm not a massive Chuck fan per se, and by that I mean I still need to catch up on the latest episodes. I can't really gauge my fan-ness that well though, seeing as I don't talk to other people that often. :P

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