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Can you believe this?


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Hi! :)

I really don't have much to talk about, but I feel like talking, so I'll tell you what happened a few weeks ago.

I was asleep when my mom rushed into my room and said "Dad and I are going to grandpa's, honey. He just had a stroke. Will you stay at home?". What a marvellous way to wake up. =.= Okay, I've never been that close to him, but he is part of my family and I love him dearly...

Thursday - my aunt texted me while I was having classes saying "Come to my house after school." and replied, after I asked why, "Your mom is not feeling well". That was great! I felt horrible!! I was afraid she was really bad and couldn't move (needed help or so?)... In the end, her blood pressure was too high and since the medication she took didn't work she had to take a Valium.

Wednesday - I had a migraine and had to leave school.


To balance the happenings, on Sunday my aunt told me she was going to adopt a baby boy! :D Everyone congratulated her and my uncle and, oh boy, I can't wait to meet him!


Life is weird, don't you think?

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How's your grandpa doing now? Is he okay?


That is scary when you wake up like that. I remember a couple years ago, my dad tried to wake me up at 8am. I was like uh huh, and rolled over. Then he told me he needed me to get him to the ER. I sat up and it was just laying on the floor of my room. (It turns out he had a kidney stone.)


Congrats on the little boy. That's definitely exciting for your family. :)

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Yeah it is, it is full of ups and downs. Truly is a miracle every day what you will find on your path. :) aww and congrats on the little babyboy, that will be adorable :D

Thank you!

Couldn't agree more. :) It's all about balance, I'd say. It's a funny thing, this thing called "life".


How's your grandpa doing now? Is he okay?


That is scary when you wake up like that. I remember a couple years ago, my dad tried to wake me up at 8am. I was like uh huh, and rolled over. Then he told me he needed me to get him to the ER. I sat up and it was just laying on the floor of my room. (It turns out he had a kidney stone.)


Congrats on the little boy. That's definitely exciting for your family. :)

We'll rent a house near us and my aunt so if he needs something it'll be better than being 1h30 away. He had some struggle while trying to talk and even walking. He can't see from the left eye. He's ok now. :) My mom is a rehabilitation nurse, so he's having the best treatment he could possibly have. Although my grandmother doesn't help at all and just keeps complaining that taking care of him is too hard and whatever...


Awwww, that's awful! Pretty Shocking! :/ Everything is ok now, I hope?

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My grandpa died and my laptop didn't boot up for a whole day and I almost lost my irreplaceable schoolwork.


Eh, stuff happens. Such is life. hugs


Oh my... that must've been terrible! -hugs back-

I'm so sorry and thank you for the support. :)




Aw, that must have been awful. :( Stressful, I would say.


Congratulations with the baby boy cousin! He is going to be so much fun. :D


I can't wait to see him! :) My aunt and uncle say he's blond and really really cute! ^^

It was awful, but I guess that's life.

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