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The Neopies

Alice ☮

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When I go on the Neopies site on Neopets and click the "?" I get the help button, not the FAQ. And I didn't find a guide for it on TDN so... I'm going to ask my questions here.


So my basic understanding of the Neopies is that we vote for items and every time we vote we get a prize, correct? We don't all get the same prize and we can only vote once per pole.


What I'm not sure about is the time line. Is there a new poll every day? Every week? Do you get anything for participating every day? And how long do the Neopies usually last?

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There's a new poll every day. But like tomorrow, they'll add a new category, but you'll still be able to vote for today's. I think they let there be 3 categories up at a time.


And last year, they gave out 2 prizes for voting every day: A Golden PB and a Hundred Dubloon Coin. And I think they last until nearly the end of the month.

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Yes, last year it was one prize per day regardless of if you voted on all three catagories or just one. Of course, you need to submit at least one vote for it to even go through.

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