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Moltara Worms


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I must've tried everything in the book to get those worms in my lamp, but two always evade me. I have never seen the Rainbow or Black ones.


I can get all the others, eventually, but never those two. What can I do? I have discarded my lamp and worms so many times, they're wondering if I really want them!

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The Rainbow and the Black are the most elusive. The worms appear at the same time every day. (And that time is different for each user.) Though if you discard everything, it resets your times and they all change.


I recommend making a word document that lists the times you find the worms. I'm able to collect 8 of my worms within 30 minutes in the morning, then I have to wait until 8:35 am for the Black, and 9:50 for the Rainbow. But once you know your times, they'll always be there.


Try not collecting any, and checking every 5 minutes while you're logged in, to see what times they show up. I have over 5 times for my Black (most at night) and 7-8 times for my Rainbow. (Most at night.)


Though, it might not be worth the frustration. All you get from it, (except the first time, you get a wearable lantern) is Red Moltite to use for making petpets. Right now, that's selling for around 1k on the SW.

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It all varies. Like my Blue worm, is available anytime from 5:55 to 6:10 am. It's there the whole time. Some might disappear after a 5 minute window, and appear again a few 5 minute windows later. Or they might stay for a couple.

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Just keep checking. Or just pick blocks of time, and try different times on different days. I found my times by checking at work during the day for a few days, then checking during the night while I was off work.


And if you stumble upon one, make sure you note the time. I didn't know my time for the Black one, until the Pant Devil stole my Blue one. I went to see if the Blue happened to be there, and while I was getting my Blue, the Black was there as well.

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I've been to Moltara as often as I can today. Still no sign of the worms. The blue one is almost always there. Pink and Orange are quite rare, but I've seen them 6 times today. Would anyone be able to work out when they should be around, if they know when the others are there?

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Oh well, just an idea :(

Will wait till my boys are in bed then refresh every minute till one appears lol

I will find them!



Edit: I found the black one! Only appeared once so far, but I'm guessing it appears when I'm in bed or out :/


Edit Jan 19 10:45 NST - Ok, so I've refreshed every 5 mins for 9 hours. I have Black 5 times and Rainbow once! I'm never gonna get them alll cos I won't be online again when the Rainbow one is there :(

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