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To Debate or Not To Debate


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I think that WEVIL and Fuzio (The ones who only come here for the debate forums) don't really need to come to a neopets help site to debate. I mean, there are HUNDREDS of forums on the net made specifically for debating. So why come to a neopets help site? I really don't get it.

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I think that WEVIL and Fuzio (The ones who only come here for the debate forums) don't really need to come to a neopets help site to debate. I mean, there are HUNDREDS of forums on the net made specifically for debating. So why come to a neopets help site? I really don't get it.


I'm wondering if perhaps they want to debate here because this is where they know people and perhaps it is nicer to debate with people you know better. It is also hard to spend time in two differnet forums (I participate in three - and almost never during the same stretches of time - nanowrimo during November and online-sweepstakes when I enter sweepstakes (they have an AWSOME forum, btw)). So I think I can understand why they want to do it here.


I liked the idea of a password protected area, but I think it would need to recognize your user ID also or instead - it is too easy to give out or find out passwords.


I'm thinking this discussion may not be totally out of line if perhaps one day the debates forum was reinstituted there seem to be some good ideas here. Perhaps a short term break is in order for the staff to settle on what they are comfortable with. Just my 2 cents. ...probably not worth more than that. :)

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Neopets fan forums have Debate topics that are monitored. Other forums don't have so many rules or they just don't enforce it. I think having topics of different kinds other than Neopets is a good way of getting away for a while without leaving the community. I mean, sometimes I get tired of discussing Neopets issues so for example the Debate topic helped me get away from a while without having to go onto a different forum where I didn't know anybody.

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We're still looking into it, but your opinions are being listened to. It isn't a lockdown on your freedom of expression; it's to stop arguments within the immature people here, and to keep the community whole.

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"1000 posts!" said the user with 1,084 posts.


"That's ridiculous! Make it 2000 posts." said the user with 2,391 posts.


" <_< " went the person who only had 278 279 posts. "278 is definetely more reasonable."


(btw I'm not trying to be a snot - I'm trying to point out the errors in the system)

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Yea 500 sounds more reasonable. They would already be Super Members and that means they take the forum seriously. But 2,000 posts would create a whole spam war of every kind.



MOD EDIT: Please refrain from spammimg the forums.

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How in the absolute world is 2,000 posts easy? Most people probably can't do that within a year.


In fact go to word, type in an 'X' ten times and then hit copy and paste 200 times and see how many 2,000 posts are.


Edit: Picture -> spammimglv4.png

Why, I never do spammimg! Honest :D

Can't believe that could be any worse than spamming!

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