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Hey all!


My name is Stephanie, and I have been a long time lurker of these forums, and I finally decided today to join! I've been playing neopets for almost four years, and I'd have to say my favorite neopets are Buzzes and Hissis.

I'm a college senior (who will unfortunately be stuck in school for an extra year. . . <_< ) and I also play hockey as a goalie (inline and deck for now, moving on to ice once I get a pair of skates!)


Anyways, I probably won't be posting much, I never feel like I have anything important to say, but I look forward to making some new friends here! ^_^


Thanks! :)


Hi there, and welcome!


What do you think we are, a bunch of people who post important things all day? bahahaha! Just have fun and don't worry about being important :P


just try to help people if you know any answers or ask questions if you want some answers. it isnt like if you dont answer someone will hate you. post when you want to,and you will be fine.


Welcome to TDN Stephanie. :) I'm Spritzie.


Enjoy lurking, but I hope you find some conversations you'd like to join in on.


Welcome to TDN. I'm CAV.


I don't want to sound rude, but I hate lurkers. In the event that nobody has anything to say, we need other members. These lurkers could be those members, but don't bother to try.

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