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New Set


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Hmm I'm not a big fan of the colours so thats prolly why I don't like it, sorry. Gaussian Blur is hella useful though huh! Sometimes if my depth of field blur isn't great enough in my photos I adjust it a little with that. I do love the idea of the space faerie facing away though, like she's contemplating the neo-verse's great quandaries... ^_^

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eh im just not a fan of apply a single filter over a whole image and leaving it as that, simple maybe, but also makes it look kinda unfinished and thrown together

however i do like the new years set you did for TJ, that looks more like a nice neat simple set exicuted well.

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hehe yea theo nly way to learn to use them are to play around, atleast in photoshop they have a "filter gallery" which lets you preview what it dose, however it sometimes wont show it truely as hte preview shows it applied to the full layer even if oyu have other things selected anddosnt show it with all the other layers.


also there is a nifty feature if oyu are using photoshop to apply a filder then goto Edit>undo and then goto Edit> Fade -insert name of last filter used- then you can apply it just a little ince that setting isnt built into most of the features. also copy the layer and then turn the viewing of it to off and usehte filters on the layer copy that way incase you do too much and run out of "Edit> step back" you sitll have your original un edited.

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