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Everyone seemed to have fun with the album cover topic so I thought I'd start this up.


I think my favorites would have to be Weapon of Choice by Fatboy Slim (it has Christopher Walken tap dancing), pretty much every music video that Blur ever made,

, and too many Daft Punk ones to name, but especially




Edit: Bad Romance may be slightly mature for some, in case anyone was worried.


Ever heard the song by Wierd Al making fun of Jerry Springer? I saw this music video once that had that song with an anime background (Sailor Moon I think it was). That was hilarious. :P


my current favorite video is

. Creepy yet addicting

some other good ones


Assistant to the Regional Manager by The Devil Wears Prada (it's kind of disturbing)


Weapon of Choice is the greatest thing ever. The. Greatest. Thing. Ever. I will never get sick of watching Walken dance in a hotel lobby.

by Neko Case is one of my favorites. Gorgeous song, gorgeous art.



But as far as music videos go, Frontier Psychiatrist is wickedly amazing. It's my professional opinion that everyone should see it at least four times in their life.


Bad Romance has the strangest music video ever.


Here's some of my favorite music videos. There will be some I won't link, mostly because there are things not allowed on TDN:


Inside the Fire by Disturbed (won't link due to suicide)

Asylum by Disturbed (won't link due to a moment involving a chainsaw)

Stuff is Messed Up by The Offpsring (won't link due to suggestive topics throughout)

The Kids Aren't Alright by The Offspring (minor suggestive thoughts, but nothing that stops it from being linked)

Why Don't You Get A Job by The Offspring (won't link due to language)

Holiday by Green Day (won't add due to suggestive themes)


Will add more later...


"Weapon of Choice" and "Frontier Psychiatrist" were the first things I thought of when I saw this topic, but it looks like you guys already have those covered. Anyone who is reading this post and still hasn't seen those videos- watch them RIGHT NOW!


I also love pretty much every Shiina Ringo music video.


Shiina Ringo - Karisome Otome

Shiina Ringo x Saito Neko - Gamble

Shiina Ringo x Saito Neko - Yokushitsu

Tokyo Jihen - Kurumaya-san (Ok this one isn't a mv, but it's live and it's awesome.)


(I'll post some not Shiina Ringo related videos later)


That Shiina Ringo one you posted is great, I've never heard of her but I love her voice (and I usually am not a fan of female singers).


I thought I'd also add Rude Boy by Rihanna. Also a bit mature. 0:)


Haha CAV I love that only one of yours was appropriate to post the link for. :laughingsmiley:


Haha CAV I love that only one of yours was appropriate to post the link for. :laughingsmiley:


It's because of the strict rules on TDN. Anything that contains even just the slightest amount of blood or suggestive topics gets barred from TDN. So linking them would just create problems.


I would very much suggest watching those that weren't linked. Especially Stuff Is Messed Up, since it covers a lot of the world's problems, such as terrorism, the media, and such.


Don't worry, I'll post more appropriate videos along the way.


Just watched Weapon of Choice, and nearly lost it when Christopher Walken started to float around the lobby. I love it so much.


Anyway, here's my favorite, mostly because it's a parody and I like history. It's "Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration", about the Founding Fathers and the Declaration of Independance. It's even funnier if you watch

first, just to see what they've done with it.



I don't have a link to the video, but Rascal Flatt's video for Sarabeth (Skin) is such a beautiful video. It was very nicely done.


That's a tough one, especially since I stopped watching videos around 1998.


In no particular order:


Michael Jackson "Thriller" (the best vid of all time imho.)


Peter Wolf "Come As You Are" (an early introduction to plyometrics!)


Toni Basil "Mickey"


Beck "E-Pro"


Kanye West "Flashing Lights" (the original version)


Gary Young "Plantman"


Lady Gaga "Bad Romance"


Jane's Addiction "Been Caught Stealing"


Herbie Hancock "Rockit"


The Cars "You Might Think"


Tom Petty "Don't Come Around Here No More"


Beastie Boys "Sabotage"


I might think of more later :)


Hrm. Favourite music videos, eh? My peak days of watching MuchMusic (the Canadian equivalent to MTV) was from 1989 to 1992, so many of my favourite videos are from back quite a few years.


Admittedly, most of the videos I enjoyed were disturbing, and that was why I liked them. Metallica's One is a prime example. This video is so horrific, but I like how awful it makes me feel.


Some other videos I have enjoyed include:


Jesus Christ Pose, by Soundgarden. Wind turbines are seriously creepy. I found them distressing for many years, until I worked at a wind farm.


, by Tool. A very creepy Claymation win.


, by Pink Floyd. Beautiful nature shots, merged with what was amazing cg at the time.


Runes to My Memory, by Amon Amarth. Epic synchronized headbanging. Wow.


, by Devin Townsend Band. Epic hilarity.


There are a few others, but I can't think of them at the moment.


Lots of good ones. I've got another: Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I don't know how to link video, so if you haven't seen it, search for it. Anyhoo, it's the band in a computer animated video game. I like it.


Beastie Boys "Sabotage"

YES! I love that video. Memmmmories.

Watching old videos on Youtube has stunted my brain. I am now in a wave of nostalgia. They just don't make them like they used to.

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