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Regarding the Debates Forum


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  Merry HBK Xmas! said:
Wow, TDN is like third classified in the Neopian help sites, isn't it? Wonderful!


To me, the only Neopets fan sites that are good are JellyNeo and PinkPT - TDN isn't good, it's excellent! :D *PWNFUL News source*


*wonders who the new staff are...*



Yeah, TDN has great news. I'm sure many people use it who haven't joined the site. I did for a few months before joining the forums. I also use JellyNeo, Avatarlog, NeoItems and noctalis (to look up pet colors).


Concerning the Debates Forum - I have never gone there. I'm not a debate kind of person.

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Guest Merry HBK Xmas!
  grass_tiger said:
Yeah, TDN has great news. I'm sure many people use it who haven't joined the site. I did for a few months before joining the forums. I also use JellyNeo, Avatarlog, NeoItems and noctalis (to look up pet colors).


Concerning the Debates Forum - I have never gone there. I'm not a debate kind of person.


I used to be, but after some people flamed me in a topic, I left.

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I thought NL was a pretty big help-site...meh,must be the Forum size.


And I Love Love, WEVIL used to be out primary supporter of SPAM before he left for awhile. Him and ownerobuzz used to post in whole pages full of threads, like the entire Neopets News or the entire Neopet Debates thing. THE WHOLE FREAKING PAGE. Thank god he left for awhile.

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I leave for Christmas and this is what happens! :grrr: Apparently some people really don't understand what debate is or how to deal with it -- users and staff alike.


I am severely disappointed and angry about this.


EDIT: And furthermore, after going through the Debate topics, I can see absolutely no reason why the debate boards should be closed. No one has stepped out of line in post - unless of course posts have been deleted.


The only reason I can see for this is pure prejudice and ignorance.

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  Chipmonker said:
I leave for Christmas and this is what happens! :grrr: Apparently some people really don't understand what debate is or how to deal with it -- users and staff alike.


I am severely disappointed and angry about this.



Finally someone who is against deleting the Debate forums. Like I said before, why do we have to pay for those who cannot debate? I've seen a lot of spam on the shoutbox, yet it is still there for everyone. And that is also a privilege to have. I'm just happy that other topics haven't been deleted.

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Chipmonker, i think no single person would have stopped this outcome, it could not have been you or any other member. no-one would have stopped this.


Some take debating to the next level, ie arguing, and if TDN want to lead the help sites of 2007, they will have to stop all of that.


I don't think you left and this all happened, the problem cannot be controlled by just 1 single person, it is a group effort, and if people can't take it responsible, it fails, its like a jigsaw puzzle, if you are missing 1-2 pieces, the puzzle will never be complete


Hehe, Vivi Wordss of Wisdom (don't happen very often)

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