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Ehm sry if it's a stupid question...


But I zaped my petpet for the first time and now its named oopsy blink.gif


I know I can change it again but now I'm afraid he will rename my pet o_O

I dont want that >< it took me ages to find it! (I have it from the pound poor thing ._.)


He can't rename my pet right oÒ


Don't worry, the petpet lab ray can't do anything that's not reversible. It can't rename your pet, and neither can the pet lab ray. :) (That can only change color, species, gender and stats.)


Yeah, its only the petpet ray that changes names. And you can go straight in and reset the name to the one you want. The pet ray only changes stats/color/species (which can hurt you if you cant afford the brush/potion to turn it back to the one you want, Haha) but other than that, it doesnt do anything permanant to it that you cant fix.


I adopted yuizen just for the lab I don't like her species much... But I fell in love with her name and I hope she will change soonxD"

Shes my little lab rat wub_anim.gif

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