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'Sup! *waves*


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I'm Justine. New around these parts (:


I do graphic art, even though I'm only 13.

I don't use Photoshop anything - I'd rather Paint.NET.

Photoshop liscenses are expensive, and the local currency where I live is six times the US currency (so if you bought something for US$100, you'd pay roughly $600 in local currency.) It can do most of the stuff Photoshop can do, and if not.. well, there's a plugin for that.


Anywho hi! :D I like cookies and give them out at random (and awkward) moments.

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What is Photoshop in the US these days, $500? So that's like $3000 where you live....*whistles*

What country do you live in?

Yeah.. I could spend that money on a new Epiphone guitar instead.

I live in the middle of the ocean. Seriously. Trinidad and Tobago. Caribbean. Middle of no where.

I might as well be living on Mars.


Thanks for the warm welcome guys. :D

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Welcome to TDN! I'm Doc, but I'll go by Hammertime too ;)


Well.... we're a friendly bunch here, as long as you stick to the rules :P


The snack table is to your left :yes:


See ya round! :D

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