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Can someone please come over to my house and hit me over the head with something hard? Or chloroform me, or SOMETHING?


I can't sleep. I'm so tired I can barely think, but I have been lying there for the last three hours staring at the wall, then the ceiling, then the closet, then the wall again, then the closet, then the ceiling... I'm sure you get the picture.


I finally gave up and started posting trades a little while ago, and have made a few grand off things I got for free tonight, but honestly, posting trades, and accepting a really good offer is something any moron can do. LOL.


Oh, earlier today I won the dice-a-roo jackpot after only 17 rolls of the dice, and I got a new avatar.


So I guess I'll go make an attempt at getting my players to the next spot in their maze.... If I can find the map. LOL.


The store didn't have any chloroform. Not to mention I don't know where you live. So instead, I'll hit you with advice.


I tend to get sleeping problems too once in a while. I would suggest asking your doctor about sleeping pills if this is a constant problem. If it isn't, then you had a sleepless night. It's not something to kill over.


And congrats on winning the jackpot.


Poor thing :( I have suffered a longtime struggle with sleeping. I have been on a few different sleeping meds. The one I take now is Trazodone. It makes me have perfect sleep. Yay for Trazodone.


It's also important to keep a strict sleeping schedule - wake up at the same time every morning regardless of what time you went to bed. Sure you'll be tired for a few days but after that you'll sleep much better.


Make sure it's not too hot in your room, and try to make it as dark as possible.


I sleep with earplugs. It's weird at first but I got used to it. I sleep so much better with them.


And I don't know your age, but it's scientific fact that teens go to bed later and get up later than adults. They say that teens would do much better in school if it started at 10 or 11 instead of 8. Anyway, if you are a teen, maybe knowing all of that will make you feel better.


Hope you get some rest soon.


White noise can be awesome too. I sleep with an electric fan on in my room, but when we went to stay with my in-laws, there was a white noise machine and that was brilliant. Very soothing, and blocks out various outside sounds that can be distracting.


aw man. if only i logged on to tdn earlier this morning. we could have talked about neopets and not being able to sleep or something v_v

Congrats on winning the jackpot so easily and making some money, though.


And I don't know your age, but it's scientific fact that teens go to bed later and get up later than adults.


Strange. I would be going to bed later than my father if he didn't demand me to sleep earlier, but on weekends I tend to sleep at the same time as my father (around 2 AM). And I always get up earlier than anyone in my house. By the time my father or brother are awake, I've already been roaming the house for a while. So I kinda break that fact. And if someone breaks a fact, then it's not really a fact. It's more of an assumption or a hypothesis.


The way I see it, you're up, might as well do something fun. Don't worry about getting to sleep, unless you need to get up early the next day. Chill, read a book, watch some TV, play a video game - act like you would if you were supposed to be awake. And when you eventually feel tired, go to sleep. Try to wake up around the same time though - don't oversleep otherwise you'll definitely have trouble again the next night.


CAV: Just one little thing. Scientific fact is for the vast majority. Not for every single individual blanketed by the fact :P. It's still a fact, but it's meant to be taken with a measure of rationality (a grain of salt, if you will). Facts are rarely, if ever, 100% true for everyone. I defy the medical norm with my knees. I dislocated my right knee in grade 7. I was 13. They had x-rays taken at the hospital, put me in a temporary brace, gave me crutches, and sent me home. A while later, when I was being fitted for a more permanent brace, I saw a doctor who asked me what had happened, so I told him. Told him exactly. My kneecap had dislocated to the inside. He didn't believe me. He said there was no way. I insisted, so he went and checked the x-rays. He came back, and apologized to me. I am one of a small percentage of people whose knees DO dislocate to the inside of the leg. It's still a fact that kneecaps in normal people dislocate to the outside of the leg. I'm just one of the anomalies. I don't have normal knees.


Also, muscle relaxants work really well as sleeping pills, if you have mine. XD. But it was too late to take them at that point without messing with my sleeping schedule. I would have taken them earlier, but being tired, I figured I would have no troubles sleeping. I must have rolled a 2 on my magical maze or something. LOL.


Yukon: I'm 23. But I've been a night owl basically since the day I was born. I was born at 1:30am. I have, for as long as I can remember, been much more comfortable staying awake at night then during the day (I used to do my homework after midnight when I was in middle school. That's when everything was the easiest for me). Which is very detrimental to trying to find a job, so I have been keeping a morning wake up schedule no matter when I go to sleep. I still generally go to sleep around 2 or 3 am, but that gives me 5 or 6 hours of sleep (more on the weekends, as I let myself get up a couple hours later on them).




Luciana: Haha. I'm game for conversation any time. Just hit me with a message if I'm not online. ^_^


Jesse: I always have ceiling fan on. I'm not an overly big fan of white noise, though. That movie was pretty creepy ;) But really, I usually have to turn everything off to go to sleep. I live in a really quiet area, so not much outside noise unless the chihuahuas start barking, or something. Not really much in the way of outside noise to bother me :P


Unstream: Yeah I played neopets for a while after I posted this. I finally went to bed at almost 6 am, after making a few grand on the trading post and in my store. I was woken at 9:30 by a phone call (slept through my alarms) telling me that I had 15 minutes to get ready for tea. (Otherwise I would have posted in my games chat a lot sooner XD) :P


Pizzas and hot dogs are surprisingly good investments for short term, if you know what you're doing, and price them for medium profit instead of max.


I sometimes have trouble with insomnia as well and I do have one suggestion that often works for me, if I have the time. Do you work out at all? I've found that sometimes even if my mind is ready for sleep, my body isn't. If I can fit in some running, weight lifting, or anything to exhaust my body I tend to fall asleep a lot easier. If you don't have time to work out, try doing as many pushups as you can about an hour before you want to head for bed. That way you have a little bit of exercise and the adrenaline has time to go away before you try to sleep. ^_^


I know how you feel. Tonight I am sick, but i feel if I lay down I will just get worse.


I also have insomnia, but that may just be from being a teen.


What I suggest is going to your nearest Wal-Mart/pharmacy and pick up a natural Melatonin supplement. That's what I take every night. It gives me enough Melatonin (the juice that makes you sleep) to just ease into sleep and stay that way.


However, if it's not a normal occurrence for you, I suggest a really big nap tomor- er, today! :P

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