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Fake Von Roo Fangs?

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If you have a pair, id just sell them for a bajillion and call it a day.


As for your pet, if you want to lower its level, zapping your pet is the most cost effective way to do it. Keep in mind though you'll eventually have to regain the levels you lose so you'll end up still spending a small fortune. Least labbing is free if you already have the map.

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I would argue that playing deadly dice is the most cost effective way to lose a level. That way you don't have to buy a lab map or a super expensive item. :D


In regards to your question though, fake von roo fangs are retired. They used to be sold at the hidden tower and are r180. They're fragile, so they may break on you. However if you're still interested, best of luck scouring the trading post or boards in search of a seller. I hope that helps. :)

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