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Recently Winamp just quite randomly stopped working on my PC, quite out of the blue. Tried uninstalling it, downloading a clean version and reinstalling (multiple times), no dice. In the meantime I've been using Windows Media Player for my musical needs, but it's a horrible resource-eating lagbeast, and a girl's gotta have some pride.


So, anyone got any good alternatives I could use? :D <3


Well for simple playback, I highly recommend VLC. :yes: It's simple and robust, yet full-featured, and there are very few audio formats in use that it can't play. It's also free and open source. :D If you're looking to actually manage your music library however, VLC is a bit lacking, and you might want to look at another solution (I'd recommend Banshee, but you're obviously on Windows, so... xD ).


I'm not too familiar with the music software scene on Windows, but I might be able to dig up a few tips for fixing Winamp. My first thought is that there might be a configuration issue (I'm pretty sure Winamp doesn't clear configuration on reinstalls). If I'm correctly understanding the way Winamp is set up, its settings are held at C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.ini - moving or deleting that file might be a good first step if you're interested in giving it a shot.


Ooh I remember VLC! My ex used to use it all the time for obscure video [Removed]es (or is [Removed] already the plural form? Codices? Ooh codices isn't coming up as wrong on the spellcheck, yay! ANYWAY!)


I've got Banshee on my netbook, which is running Ubuntu, it's delightful :D But VLC will be more than sufficient for me on Windows, I just need it for mp3 listenings, thank you so much for reminding me of its existence! :D


:O You run Ubuntu, yaaaay! I seem to be running into more and more fellow Linux users every day. xD


Well anyway, I'm glad VLC's a working solution for you. :)

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