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Hate coming to TDN?


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Recently I've been seeing hurtful things that people have said on here. There used to be all nice people here with nothing mean to say now I'm seeing some of it. I sent someone a PM, you know who you are, just nicely asking them to be a tiny bit easier on me because I'm suicidal and I don't want to harm myself because I can't help it sometimes. They responded "You have depression? Deal with it. Instead of crying to me to be nicer, if you really are that suicidal then call a hotline or something instead of complaining to me and trying to recieve any sympathy because you will get NONE." I wasn't being like "I'm so sad. You have to be nicer to me. Waaaaa." I'm really sensitive so things can really get to me. I want to know if you guys think that hatred is starting at the TDN forums. Thanks!

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I know how you feel but always remember this is the internet.


You can't judge people's personalities on a bunch of letters and numbers. It's ridiculous in my mind.


I agree. We all act somewha different on the internet than in the real world.

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I agree. We all act somewha different on the internet than in the real world.

That is one true thing though, people are way different on the internet, becuase they think they are protected I guess.

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I know how you feel but always remember this is the internet.


You can't judge people's personalities on a bunch of letters and numbers. It's ridiculous in my mind.


It may be just letters on a computer monitor, but the fact is you are portraying yourself through what you type on the Internet. It is no different than speaking, aside from actually hearing it.


Words, in any form, are hurtful. If you don't want to be judged by your ignorance or childish actions by what you say / do online, don't say / do them.


Just because it's text on a monitor doesn't make it any less 'real'. You are a real person, typing your real feelings and real responses to another real person.

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Allow me to comment on this matter. This is the internet and I really hate to say this, but to a certain extent you almost can't be yourself. It might be a bad idea to share personal things because there is such a wide audience on the internet. Basically - don't trust anybody over the internet. That includes keeping many personal things to yourself because many people on the internet are rude and are hateful sometimes.


Just because it's text on a monitor doesn't make it any less 'real'. You are a real person, typing your real feelings and real responses to another real person.


And that is exactly why we shouldn't trust people over the internet...

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