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The Perils of Internet Shopping


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I recently came across this rather long, but incredibly well-written article in the New York Times, which highlights the dangers that still lurk around the corner, even as we seem to be entering the golden age of electronic commerce. I have to say, I'm rather disappointed - I expected a lot more out of the much-vaunted safeguards and watchdogs built up around this system. It's troubling that these safety nets still manage to fail so badly, even though shopping without doing proper research is kinda asking for trouble in the first place...


On the other hand, I'm very impressed by the journalism involved here (almost old-school investigative journalism you might say). I guess not all modern tech journalists are complete idiots.


It's just sad that it took a high-profile New York Times article to finally embarrass the responsible parties into taking action. :(

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I recently came across this rather long, but incredibly well-written article in the New York Times, which highlights the dangers that still lurk around the corner, even as we seem to be entering the golden age of electronic commerce. I have to say, I'm rather disappointed - I expected a lot more out of the much-vaunted safeguards and watchdogs built up around this system. It's troubling that these safety nets still manage to fail so badly, even though shopping without doing proper research is kinda asking for trouble in the first place...


On the other hand, I'm very impressed by the journalism involved here (almost old-school investigative journalism you might say). I guess not all modern tech journalists are complete idiots.


It's just sad that it took a high-profile New York Times article to finally embarrass the responsible parties into taking action. :(


Oh wow... that was an amazing read! It creeped me out as I read the first 3 pages, which left me hooked for the rest. I'm glad things worked out for the woman, but it makes you think about how advertising on the web works. I tell my family and friends to ALWAYS check for reviews before making a purchase from a new online site.

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<_< Thing is, guys, in the article it specifically mentioned that it wasn't a Google ad.

Glad you all actually read the thing thoroughly.


Personally, I usually just buy from Amazon. I rarely buy from other sites mainly because I'm afraid they won't be able to keep my information secure, but I never really thought of it this way. This seems a lot scarier, but personally I don't think you should buy any valuable items over the internet - you really should see it before you buy it.


I actually kinda liked Borker. He seems smart and clever whereas Rodriguez almost seems whiny and almost embodies the most annoying things about American consumerism. Like who needs $300 designer glasses?

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I did in fact read the whole article, but I felt the need to share my bit of information.


I also only buy from Amazon. I always buy everything from Amazon. They are always cheaper.


$300 glasses. The ultimate proof that either the seller is cheap, or you are an idiot for buying them. Why pay $500 for a jacket, when you can get one for $40? Oh, my bad. I didn't know it was from France. Who gives a crap!?

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well maybe the buyer likes quality. I've never bought a wintor coat less than 100 bucks before. It's the same for lots of other things. eg: People don't like to buy from china. So they buy from other countries instead even if they cost more.....(and what the don't know is that it's the CHINESE who run those companies)


ANYWAYS. That article was a great read!


The only thing I've bought online was..uhh...Plants vs Zombies :P ....my friend got screwed over on ebay two years ago. Mom went crazy. Had to call in a lawyer. It was bad o.0 So, from now I on I leave all the online shopping to my dad who is way better with computers and managing money than me XD

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This is why I hate online shopping, I prefer going round shops etc.


$300 glasses. The ultimate proof that either the seller is cheap, or you are an idiot for buying them. Why pay $500 for a jacket, when you can get one for $40? Oh, my bad. I didn't know it was from France. Who gives a crap!?


Because the cheaper it is, its basically crap. My winter jacket cost me £100 (equivalent to $192 ish), Yes there were cheaper jackets out there, but I rather look like i care about what I wear, rather than looking cheap.


You wouldn't see footballers/actors etc shopping in walmart or charity shops. If you have the money to buy nice things, go for it.

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Ebay is just bad. Never buy from them. You will get scammed.


Amazon is good because Amazon themselves sell the items, as well as other users. Obviously, you are best buying from Amazon itself.


Because the cheaper it is, its basically crap. My winter jacket cost me £100 (equivalent to $192 ish), Yes there were cheaper jackets out there, but I rather look like i care about what I wear, rather than looking cheap.


You wouldn't see footballers/actors etc shopping in walmart or charity shops. If you have the money to buy nice things, go for it.


Not always. I usually buy stuff that looks cool, and isn't extremely expensive. Usually, the coolest item is actually rather cheap.


I hate Walmart.


But I agree. If you do have a lot of money to burn, than go ahead and do so. But for me, the priority is the fact that I stay warm. Looking cool is simply a bonus to me.


And my jacket is $60 (equivalent to £39), but it still looks like it would go for $150. And it would (thank you discount).

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Because the cheaper it is, its basically crap. My winter jacket cost me £100 (equivalent to $192 ish), Yes there were cheaper jackets out there, but I rather look like i care about what I wear, rather than looking cheap.


You wouldn't see footballers/actors etc shopping in walmart or charity shops. If you have the money to buy nice things, go for it.

Thing is most things are expensive just because they're designer or they carry a certain brand name. You can get plenty of cheaper but still good looking stuff without paying as much.


I mean, if you have money to buy nice things, why not buy what you only need and give to those who are in need instead of indulging on yourself? Shouldn't feeding a guy for a month be more important than a designer pair of sunglasses?


Sorry, this was getting off topic, but I saw a few posts about this above me, so...


Amazon is good because Amazon themselves sell the items, as well as other users. Obviously, you are best buying from Amazon itself.

I agree with this statement (though there have been some record of people having trouble with shipping, but that's a different subject because it's not related to being ripped off).

If you want to buy safely, buy from Amazon or do some research. I mean, the article even vouches for Amazon, because according to the article Mr. Borker "handles those transactions like a Boy Scout because Amazon doesn’t mess around, he says — the company just kicks you off its site if you infuriate customers. "

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I mean, if you have money to buy nice things, why not buy what you only need and give to those who are in need instead of indulging on yourself? Shouldn't feeding a guy for a month be more important than a designer pair of sunglasses?

All we really need is food, sleep, shelter and friendship, right? If you are able to donate everything you don't need to help other people and live off only the bare necessities, well that's incredible and congratulations. Unfortunately, not many people are like that. Giving up everything we don't need is a lot harder than it sounds.

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Well I meant just a bit of it. Like if you have $500 to spare, don't spend it on a $500 jacket, spend it on a $300 jacket (which can still be really good) and do something else with the $200.


I dunno, this doesn't really make sense, but that's why I think Rodriguez got what she deserved. Which is completely wrong, because she was abused in that way, and it'd really suck to be her, and Borker was rather cruel with the way he treated her (but so smart at the same time). Yay for lack of logicallity (and made up words!)

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