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prize suggestions for 100-150k range please


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so our guild dose a monthly raffle style thing and for Dec we are upping hte prize to somthing in the 100-150k range. anyways the person running it is having trouble tinking of prizes so i thought i would ask for suggestions here. my only suggestion was a nermkid that goes for that price range.


so whats some nice items in that range? i know personally i would go after items i need for my gallery but not everyone ele would be happy with jhudora/sand items, lol. of course they could just resell it and get somthing they want if they dun like it heh.

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The best way to find things in the current price range is to go to www.neoitems.net/idb/ and enter your price range and it will show you all the items that have been reported in that range. It has pictures, what the item is (battle magic, petpet, furniture, toy, etc) to make things really easy. Oh, one tip, when entering the prices on that site do not use commas.


Here are my favorites in that range...


Book of Pain

Rainbow Kau Plushie


White Pimella

Rainbow Boween

Plushie Symbol

Sketch Pawkeet

Mutant Boween

Starry Babaa

Halloween Slorg

Starry Slorg


Personally, in the choosing I would go for the "wow" factor. Something that someone will go "wow, look what I won" - even though it is most likely they will sell it - it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling if it is something that looks nice or looks like something valuable. It is good to give someone something to feel good about and will help them have a positive impression of your guild. Also, I've found that nice looking items tend to sell for more too.


I hope your raffle goes well!

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tanks for hte suiggestions(sorry tok a xmas trip down to houston for a couple days) i actully use neoitemsb ut completly forgot hte serch by price functiomn thanks for pointing that out, and i agree abouthte wow factor

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You are supposed to edit it yourself if you find something wrong. If someone enters an incorrect amount (that is what it sounds like) we are supposed to correct it. There are too many items for the staff there to correct themselves. So you should always check things since it might have been a while since a person updated it. You can usually find the items cheaper, but it is usually in the correct range. I know there are some 100K+ items that don't have a price listed because no one has reported one (the One Hundred Dubloon Coin is one), so it probably is less accurate when above prices the shop wiz can handle.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Fire Niptor

It's a cool looking petpet that I know I want, im sure it's one of the best things you could get for a prize in that price range, and im pretty sure most people would like it, exept maybe some girls...

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err this was nearly a month old post and way outta date since it was obvius by the post that i woudlnt need information on this now since the month is way over and the prizes were given out along time ago O.o


if a mod sees this plase close the thread*too lazy to message one directly*

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