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Happy Thanksgiving

CAV of Gang Green

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Happy Thanksgiving my snoogly Cav, and every American reading this! :)


Today I am hanging out and cooking later. My sister and I are having dinner at her house. I'm bringing the turkey and the dressing and the mashed taters and brown sugar carrots, and she is doing ham and sweet potatas and deviled eggs.


Ohhhh man, deviled eggs. YESSSSS

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Happy Thanksgiving! I don't celebrate Thanksgiving because my family is not pleasant and uses today for a football game and arguing about politics, and I've always felt that people should be thankful everyday and not just today and not just be excited for Turkey and flat screen tvs on sale. But I now live 1400 miles away from all of my family so I'm currently watching the Macy's Parade and then I'm going to volunteer at a food bank, and then going to the beach to watch the sunset. Perks of moving from upstate New York to Orlando, FL. :)


What about you Cav?

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Happy thanks giving to you all! Even those who don't celebrate it, or do but on different days.


This Thanksgiving is different from the usual years, which annoys me some. This year we are spending it with my aunt and uncle. I don't dislike them or something, just every Thanksgiving I am used to having it at home with food WE like that WE eat, and during the actual eating, we watch a movie in the living room.


At my aunt's, it's just at a big table with food THEY like, no sound at all. I prefer my family's style, as it brings the immediate family more together. This will have that tinge of awkwardness and annoyance. If I had friends who invited me over for something, I might have been tempted to go to theirs, but they have their own annoyances this year as well.

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I'm sorry to hear that, you're way seems much more fun lol. The way your Aunt does it is the way my family does it. It was always annoying because I don't eat Turkey or really any "Thanksgiving food" for that matter. Just stuffing sometimes, so I'd basically sit there all silent while they argue about the President and other stupid things that have nothing to do with being Thankful.


I would rather spend Thanksgiving with friends than family. My cousin and I are like twins and best friends so usually we just escape together.



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I saw them too. I didn't know Mumble and the rest of the Happy Feet penguins were in NY. :P


What about you Cav?


We have turkey, chicken, pumpkin pie, biscuts, and some other things. I will spend my day playing games, hanging out with family, and watching the Jets game tonight, because I like football.

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