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The All-Star Sports Thread

CAV of Gang Green

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What, that Texans/Titans brawl thing that happened?


When I saw that, I shook my head, and facepalmed. An hour later, I remembered it, and laughed. Fortunately I was the only one home, so nobody could hear me.

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Someone mention sports? I LOVE TO WATCH SPORTS!


Okay here goes;


My teams I usually watch:


Basketball = Being a native Utahn, I practically grew up a Jazz fan. They have a pretty solid group this year, so I'm hoping they'll end up in the Western Conference finals or even as the top West team playing for the NBA championship, so that means I practically hate on Kobe and the lakers whenever they play. I also follow college hoops, usually Weber State and BYU.

Football = I try to avoid the NFL and prefer the college football games.

Baseball= I don't follow baseball much, but if I had to pick on team, it would be the LA Dodgers, because of one of their affiliate triple-A teams, the Ogden Raptors, is my favorite team to go watch in the summer months.

Hockey=What's Hockey? The only experience I've had with hockey was in that movie 'Jack Frost' where the magical snowman is teaching his kid on how to shoot the "J-shot".

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Basketball = Being a native Utahn, I practically grew up a Jazz fan. They have a pretty solid group this year, so I'm hoping they'll end up in the Western Conference finals or even as the top West team playing for the NBA championship, so that means I practically hate on Kobe and the lakers whenever they play. I also follow college hoops, usually Weber State and BYU.


Yay! A fellow Utah Jazz fan! I always had a hard time. During the Jazz/Bulls finals, my house was a war zone. My mom and I were Jazz fans, my sister was a Bulls fan. <_<


Since they got cheated out of the championship that last year, I was really hoping they'd get it when Pippin, Rodman and Jordan went different places. I wanted them to win so bad. I'm really hoping they'll get a championship at some point.


I hate the Lakers as well. I can't believe Karl Malone (My absolute favorite) dipped so low as to go to them, hoping to win. (It kind of serves him right they lost that year.) At least Stockton retired with the Jazz.

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I feel weird. The only reason I chose the Lakers is because kids kept bugging me to choose between Lebron and Kobe. I chose Kobe because most of my friends were Lakers fans.


But I barely watch basketball anyway. And on the rare moment I do, it tends to be the Knicks. I heard they've been doing well.



Hockey=What's Hockey? The only experience I've had with hockey was in that movie 'Jack Frost' where the magical snowman is teaching his kid on how to shoot the "J-shot".


Hockey is the sport where you are on ice and you try to slap a black puck into a net using a stick. The players are heavily paded because the sport can get violent at times, and the goaltender has even MORE padding since he has the puck to watch out for. The puck is a lot heavier than it looks, and it will hurt when someone hits it and it's aiming at your face at 76 MPH.


A better explination is here.

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I don't know about y'all but I'm getting tired of the NFL sending mixed signals! They fine some players for punches, but others end up suspended; just the punishment isn't the same! They need to get it right! :angry:


Is anyone else getting tired of Brett Favre...? He needs to retire! ^_^

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Is anyone else getting tired of Brett Favre...? He needs to retire! ^_^


I am. But I don't think he NEEDS to retire. I think that if he says he's going to retire, then he BETTER RETIRE. Not pull a fast one and sign with a team.


It was one thing when he did it the first time.


It was a bit annoying when he did it and joined the Jets. I was excited to see him on the Jets, but I noticed that he was past his prime.


Now I'm just fed up with his crap when he "retired" and joined the Vikings.


Either retire or don't. Don't fake it. If you say you are going to retire, than actually retire.

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Now I'm just fed up with his crap when he "retired" and joined the Vikings.


Either retire or don't. Don't fake it. If you say you are going to retire, than actually retire.


I just feel bad for Childress who has to deal with Favre. You know that's gotta be hard :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woo! Ravens won! 8D


Now i'm watching the Jets and Steelers game. I don't really like either team, but I dislike the Steelers ALOT more, so GO JETS!


I'm really sad about Favre retiring. I hope he keeps playing. Now that Kurt retired, he's my favourite active Qb.

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I'm really sad about Favre retiring. I hope he keeps playing. Now that Kurt retired, he's my favourite active Qb.


Favre needs to retire. He's past his prime, and I'm sick and tired of him saying that he's going to retire, then he joins a new team right afterwards. He's a legend, but he's getting old, and what happened a few days ago was proof of it.

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The Devils are in third place behind the Flyers and the Penguins. I hope they catch up.


The Rangers are in 4th, which isn't THAT bad, but can use a lot of improvement.


And the Islanders are the worst team in the NHL...

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I know....but Edmonton Oilers are also pretty bad...and for the flames it's ALL Sutter, he's a terrible coach! And is brother is also a terrible GM.

As for the penguins...I like Sidney Crosby...He was born in the same city I was XD

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The Islanders have sucked for a few years now...so nothing is new there, at least the rangers are doing okay...I still want my team to win the cup...we haven't since 1989....ironically the same year I was born...

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Canadian stereotypes are mostly false. Sure they like maple syrup, but it's not the only thing they eat, like the stereotype says.


I just learned that the Giants got crushed...

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