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Invasion of Meidell help


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I have a question about this game.

I'm in mission 6 now, third battle. That means that I'm almost in mission 7 :D But I just lost my Skeith player. I was not paying attention and I lost him :( And now I don't know... should I restart whole mission? But that means that I will have to play all 3 battles again and I just don't want to do this, because I hate this game :D I only want to receive avatar :D

So, do I have to start all over?


I would be really happy if anyone would help me :D



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I'm not an expert at that game but I would just keep going. If you loose enough villages that you loose the battle, it just makes you start the mission over and not the whole battle. It also gives you back the people you started with, just without their items which is annoying.

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I'm not an expert at that game but I would just keep going. If you loose enough villages that you loose the battle, it just makes you start the battle over and not the whole battle. It also gives you back the people you started with, just without their items which is annoying.

I agree. You have nothing to lose so just go for it. If you lose this third abttle, you just have to restart this mission, so it's not like you would have wasted much time anyway.

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Basically what Wemblin and Maldoror said. Since you aren't losing anything by going for it, just try. What's the worst that could happen?

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I sympathize, mission six is HORRIBLE (I think I spent more time on it than on Missions 7 and 8!!) and when I was trying for the avatar, I failed four times on the third battle and had to start the mission over. Sometimes it is bad luck because the enemies can kill anyone on your team in a single turn if they all gang up on one person. Persistence and a little luck is key.

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At least you passed Mission 6, that's one step closer to the avatar! :)


By the way, if you get up to Mission 9 or so (before the end of this month), you can get a bronze or silver trophy-that or go through the game twice like I did :D (unless you really, really hate the game). That's x2 the benefits with one game~

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