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Code of Everand?


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No I haven't heard about it, but I'm always interested in learning or trying new things. What's the site and what's the concept?

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No I haven't heard about it, but I'm always interested in learning or trying new things. What's the site and what's the concept?


Hey Rae sorry didn't check back on this thread sooner!! Here is the link to CoE! Its a free multiplayer rpg where you the monsters live in these spirt channels + you don't need to install anything to play. The art is very pretty too you should check it out!

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Hey IceComet - I play it! I just started playing. Just got the hang of the crossings when the update came. Now my Coin is pitiful thanks to Coin Drain. But I'm fighting back and I've equipped myself with Reclaim, so it's not all bad :P


You play often? We could friend in-game or something?

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Hey IceComet - I play it! I just started playing. Just got the hang of the crossings when the update came. Now my Coin is pitiful thanks to Coin Drain. But I'm fighting back and I've equipped myself with Reclaim, so it's not all bad :P


You play often? We could friend in-game or something?


Well not as often as other games, but normally for an hour or two every other day or so. Sometimes only once or twice a week but then I get in the groove and play for a whole weekend!! lol What is your character name? Lets friend each other

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I'm gonna play Code tomorrow (Sat), so hopefully see you in there. I'll check in to Critter Court every so often - that's a pretty good place to meet, right? :)

Sure I'll check out the critter court early tomorrow and hopefully catch you. Unlike a lot of people that play I'm in the U.S. on EST. But I'll be on most the morning :) Hope to see you Jaza!

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Just wanted to say cheers for the chants and welcome to my friends list! Was nice to finally finish a group quest :)


How you going on the focus minigame? I've taken to letting my critter play for me. Dead lazy I know! :P


I know me too. whenever I dont have a good mouse i let my critter play. Its just easier sometimes lol. I definitely get more when i play myself though. What level are you now?

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Level 58 now. I don't play every day and I tend to spend a lot of time wandering around. And erm *insert other excuses here* :D



Level 58!? thats no joke! I hope you had a good thanksgiving... if you are american that is :)


I saw you cruising around on my map this weekend! I couldn't catch up to you lol!!

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I second that IceComet! Let's create a NP posse in there :)


Still no1? I guess we will just have to wait till some more people join us.


Funny story though: I thought the game wasn't working this morning which was strange because it always does but wrote a letter to the developers anyways. They wrote me back almost immediately after I found out that my brother was downloading movies and sucking up all the internet lol!

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