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What's the purpose of the fearless deeds?


About how many Plot Points are issued per "deed"?


What kind of stuff can you get with the points and what's their general "worth" at the end?


What have they been for previous plots?


TNT determines which deeds are worth how much, and what prizes cost how many points. So basically, it's all up to TNT, but it's to your benefit to earn as many as you can. So try to keep up with the deeds and get all the ones you can, and if you can't get them, don't worry, just do your best. You'll still get something in the end. =]


Don't forget bragging rights. Always important, those are. :P


I don't think there's a very definitive answer at all to your more specific questions though - I don't recall any pre-existing plot achievements system parallel to the Fearless Deeds one, and TNT has never been too open about their plot point algorithms. I guess all we can say (as has already been said) is that more deeds = more points. xD


Dante, can the content team hold you to that statement? We could always use that for our coverage. xD

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