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Ah E-Sports...


Alot of you may be saying, what's E-Sports? Well, E-Sports is Electronic gaming which is basically professional video gaming? Professional video gaming? Yes there is such a thing and in my view is a sport. A lot of people do not realize how huge E-Sports is becoming throughout the world. Whether it be in Counterstrike, Quake, or Halo, international video game tournaments are held throughout the world at an amazing rate. A good exmple would be the CPL Winter 2006 Championships going on in Dallas Texas for both Counterstrike and Quake.


The fame of E-Sports is spreading. tv.gotfrag.com has live streaming of these CPL tournament matches where live coverage of the gamers and their matches are streamed to millions of viewers around the world. Prize money is quite big and sportscaster/announcers are even present at the tournaments explaining the match and what is going on between the teams. MTV even shows Halo matches between professional teams on weekend mornings. 60 Minutes did a special feature on John "Fatality" Wendel, one of the best video gamers in the world a few months ago.


My question for this debate is this. Even if you are not really sure what the extent of E-Sports is, does it have a future in the world? A future by, will it go anywhere, will it have its own official TV channel, will it be accepted as a viable sport by the world, or will it just continue to be ignored and stay as a small hobby for a large group of people?


You already know my opinion, whats yours?


I do think it has a future, but they need to advertise more on it. I don't think people will view it as a sport, but I think it could have its own channel since it is another way of playing videogames. It's also a nice hobby XD


I think it will be like Pokemon in a way. (No offence.)


It will become really popular and then someone will invent something that everybody likes more and then only a couple of people will still play. But its own TV channel? Probably not.


Dude, pro-gamers are getting pretty loaded these days.There are tourneys of all kinds,from the famous Warcraft 3/DOTA matches to the classic Battlefield series by EA, CS, HL2, and all the classic shooters... NZ has it's own premier LAN party/event , hosting about 700 people and with killer prizes and sponsorship.

I do think it has a future, but they need to advertise more on it. I don't think people will view it as a sport, but I think it could have its own channel since it is another way of playing videogames. It's also a nice hobby XD

I agree. It is the farthest thing from a sport. Sports: Football, Soccer, Basketball, Golf, and Tennis. If you put proffesional sports video games in there, it would make no sense. I mean, sports has something to do physically. Sitting aroung playing a video game is the exact opposite.


Video Gaming is not a sport, it is a hobby.


The day sitting on your ass and playing a video game becomes a sport is the day America officially becomes the fattest and laziest country in the world. Which it seems like we're not far from that possibility.


Um,America already is the fattest and laziest country in the world.


Most pro-gamers, against steryotypes, aren't Asian. Geeks who used to rely on D+D for gaming are now being embraced as people instead of wedgie-targets( which sadly still happens in America).


Why do topics like these always become stereotypical? It's not like there aren't lazy people in other countries. Sure, America could be the "fattest", but wow now we add one more word to the cause, "laziest"? Americans work as hard as anyone; they just have more benefits.


Anyways, it wouldn't surprise me if they make E-Sports a new category for the "Olympics" in the very future.

They were considering Chess as an Olympic Sport..


See, Chess is a sport where you sit down and play a game. Also, sports such as Curling isnt very intense or exciting activity and you sweep ice with a broom but it is still considered a sport. Video Gaming is just as intense and probably even more intense as curling and also takes a lot of skill. Vidoe gaming takes also a lot of mental processing. If you ever see pro Coutnerstrike players as a team paly, they plan out strategies, they practice them constantly, memorize plays and spots, its a tough thing to handle. So why can't video games be considered a sport?

Why do topics like these always become stereotypical? It's not like there aren't lazy people in other countries. Sure, America could be the "fattest", but wow now we add one more word to the cause, "laziest"? Americans work as hard as anyone; they just have more benefits.


Most all continental European countries have the same (if not higher) obesity rates as America.


Therefore it would probably be correct to assume that highly developed countries have more problems than undeveloped 3rd world countries. Rather than the USA is fat comment.


Curling is'nt very intense.


Also video gaming will never be considered a "sport" per say. I agree that within the gaming community, it is very intense competition; with the most serious of those competing actually working out/eating right/sleeping well to improve their game. But never a mainstream sport.


Maybe its own category. Like CyberSports or something. You can't really compare basketball with a basketball video game. For video games, you use more your thinking and strategies, but mainstream sports are a physical challenge


I think it will be a large ACTIVITY. I'd really cry if that's what sports came to. It involves no physical activity at all and just a lot of free time and an Xbox.


It's a lazy-person sport, to me, really.


But I guess it might have its own channel but its not like it'll be in the Olympics.


I just don't understand how sitting on your ---, holding a controller and pressing buttons turns into a 'sport'. Yea yea, you can argue that it takes 'skill' to master a game like Halo or something but come on. Seriously.


Sports should actually take some sort of logical challenging brain activity and / or physical exertion.


America is one of the laziest countries in the world. Look at us. We're rapidly becoming the fattest, we refuse to do 'labor' jobs that immigrants take instead, kids spend hours upon hours playing video games. Hell, even ADULTS spend most of their lives sitting on their ass playing a video game.


It seems to me that America is slowing falling into a pit. We're attempting to take over the world and tell every other country how their government should run, what they should believe, if they aren't with us; they're enemies, religion is slowing taking over everything and turning people into hate-mongers, politicians (as always) are getting worse, and so on and so forth. It's sad. I don't plan to live here much longer, I'm actually ashamed to say I'm an American.


Please do not use swear words.


When did the alternate word for 'butt' become a swear word? o_O

I guess teens have a different perspective on things.


Me too, I'm ashamed to be English. That's why I say I'm Welsh. Well, If you go back enough, all of my family are Welsh. I'd do sports at school if they did fun sports like archery and fencing.. Alas, I am stuck with Badminton and Football...


Edit by Mikey: Please stay on topic!

I just don't understand how sitting on your ass, holding a controller and pressing buttons turns into a 'sport'. Yea yea, you can argue that it takes 'skill' to master a game like Halo or something but come on. Seriously.


Sports should actually take some sort of logical challenging brain activity and / or physical exertion.


America is one of the laziest countries in the world. Look at us. We're rapidly becoming the fattest, we refuse to do 'labor' jobs that immigrants take instead, kids spend hours upon hours playing video games. Hell, even ADULTS spend most of their lives sitting on their ass playing a video game.


It seems to me that America is slowing falling into a pit. We're attempting to take over the world and tell every other country how their government should run, what they should believe, if they aren't with us; they're enemies, religion is slowing taking over everything and turning people into hate-mongers, politicians (as always) are getting worse, and so on and so forth. It's sad. I don't plan to live here much longer, I'm actually ashamed to say I'm an American.


I'd have to say I agree with you. -cough applyfordebatemoderator-


But I won't lie, Halo and some other games can be really fun, and I love playing them. I love to get my dad pissed off because he can't beat his own son. :) But no where near a sport. It should be an E-Activity.


I agree, I'm a gamer myself. Not hardcore, but sometimes I get caught up for days. Not saying they aren't great things to give your time to or anything, just don't see how they could be called sports of any kind.


I really think E-Sports does have a future. What a lot of people don't realise is just how much time the players put into mastering the games and (in the case of team games like counter strike) getting to know the strategies of their team members so they can work together efficiently. So it's a lot more than just sitting down and picking up a controller as a lot of these people give up most of their lives to train for it, just like athletes do to train in their sports.


I think the real issue with E-Sports is the players being sponsored. To give up that much of your time, you really need to have financial backing to survive in life. If the players get proper sponsorship (which would link in with being featured on tv as this would attract the sponsors) I believe it has a real chance of developing.


After all this is the 1st year I was aware of it happening...pity I found out AFTER it had happened. If I'd known it was on, I would have watched it!


I think that it will have a future. It seems like things such as XBox Live or Mario Kart DS's WFC choice has started ideas like this. I think it is a great thing, but only to a partial degree.


Sponsership for videogaming? Hello! this is reality speaking. It might be taking it too much. It's a great thing that people have something to do to get money. Sponsership though, will make it more popular. I'm all for E-Sports!


Just another thing, its a great way to meet new people and test your skills. I'd want to see E-Sports, but I saw it on a news channel once...looks cool


I do think that people take video games too seriously. It might br hard to achieve something in a video game so you have to work hard for it but it still isn't that important.

Sponsership for videogaming? Hello! this is reality speaking. It might be taking it too much. It's a great thing that people have something to do to get money. Sponsership though, will make it more popular. I'm all for E-Sports!


I'm not quite sure what you mean. Would you be able to explain your opinion there a bit clearer?


On the subject of sponsorship though I'd just like to add that some of the teams in E-Sports already have sponsorship they just need more of it and bigger names that are going to provide steadier income for the players


Heh. X-lan has some primo sponsorship during it's events, ranging from Playtech to Red Bull or some energy drink. It's a great advertising space, since it allows companies to reach a separate 'group' when it's congregated.

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