travash Posted November 10, 2010 Author Posted November 10, 2010 I like the idea of Hanso's coat! Or maybe Hanso's lock pick kit for those wannabe thieves out there... I'm just excited to see what all the prizes will be! Maybe they will release a new set of wearable wings since it is a faerie plot. hmmm wings is a good idea. i like all the brainstorming thats going on ive gotten some good responses so far i like how you guys think it makes me excited to see the prizes as well. how would the lock pick kit be used anyway? to break into the hidden tower? lol
shinystarters Posted November 10, 2010 Posted November 10, 2010 nah i doubt TNT would be that stupid, the tickets would increase a lot by np, and if the lock and pick cost a small amount of plot points, the tower items will also go down a lot...
Indian_ammi Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 hmmm wings is a good idea. i like all the brainstorming thats going on ive gotten some good responses so far i like how you guys think it makes me excited to see the prizes as well. how would the lock pick kit be used anyway? to break into the hidden tower? lol i thought they released the prizon bars wearable fearie wings already or was that for halloween?
shinystarters Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 i thought they released the prizon bars wearable fearie wings already or was that for halloween? yes that was in the nc mall, and it was related to what new plot comics there were at that time. they dont reallt count as prizes though...
Sakurabelle Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 The fact that there have been several wings released in the nc mall (in regards to this plot) makes me optimistic for np wings as a plot prize. :D Yeah wings! My xweetok wants to fly!
carlolz Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 I'd love to have a theme or a nice BD item because I really don't have good items. :)
Shadaw the Rampage Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 I am hoping for a mainstream uber weapon. they haven't made it so people can get good weapons like that in a LONG time.
travash Posted November 12, 2010 Author Posted November 12, 2010 I am hoping for a mainstream uber weapon. they haven't made it so people can get good weapons like that in a LONG time. it would be cool if it was, the last tiem they had a decent weapon was ylanas blaster, and magma blaster is semi decent, but like a 13-17 iconer would be nice, this plot has had more battleing than most in the past(besides the wars) so a decent weapon would be awesome, ive gotten both my attack and def up to the 55 boost and im working on getting as high with my hp as i can currently at 53. saddly i dont have very good weapons, psellias fighting fan and golden compass are my constants
maldoror122 Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 By the way, do people who participated in the plot and accumulated a certain number of plotpoints get a trophy?
livvy Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 Everyone who participated in the plot even the tiniest bit will probably get some kind of "Yay, you were in the plot!" trophy. Higher points = higher trophy, of course.
Shadaw the Rampage Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 What livvy said, thats the one constant through all plots.
Divya Bean Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 I wont the highest prize because I didnt cap all of the monsters, but I will get a fairly high one (yay!). Like many others, I hope they give an amazing weapon. Or Faerie PBs. Either or both are good!
Shadaw the Rampage Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 Im hoping they do like AotA {ducks behind a barricade} LET ME FINISH!!! >.< Prize wise I mean in the respects of, the highest tier people recieved a steam coat and a magma blaster, I hope that the highest tier is a good battledome weapon, the second tier is a wonderful wearable item.
Divya Bean Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 Im hoping they do like AotA {ducks behind a barricade} LET ME FINISH!!! >.< Prize wise I mean in the respects of, the highest tier people recieved a steam coat and a magma blaster, I hope that the highest tier is a good battledome weapon, the second tier is a wonderful wearable item. Yeah, I like that tier idea. I mean, TNT always does do it in some form of tiers but the way AotA was structured was very satisfactory.
Shadaw the Rampage Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 Well my thinking is, id like to see the top people be able to go "eh i dont want the weapon ill trade it for that wearable though!" Then people like me go "sweet im duel wielding 20 iconers! whoohoo!"
Divya Bean Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 *nods* Yes that is good. And I bet that a lot of people who get the top prize will sell it so the amazing item will deflate.
Shadaw the Rampage Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 Your forgetting about the people who buy low sell high. Theres always a high demand for a weapon before it gets around the weapons icons suck. magma blaster was worth 8m first released. then dropped to a steady 1 - 2m mark today because its slightly weaker than yblaster
livvy Posted November 12, 2010 Posted November 12, 2010 I'd actually rather they NOT do the tiers. Let the people who scraped up enough points get the best prizes, even if they didn't get the MOST points. It's more fair. I worked hard, I want to reap my rewards. I don't want a wearable just because that was my tier prize.
Sakurabelle Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 I'd actually rather they NOT do the tiers. Let the people who scraped up enough points get the best prizes, even if they didn't get the MOST points. It's more fair. I worked hard, I want to reap my rewards. I don't want a wearable just because that was my tier prize. I completely agree. I want a choice in what I get. It sounds like for other plots they have had little stores where you can spend points that you have earned from completing plot parts. I really like this idea, because then if I don't like something in the store I can get multiples of something else that I do like.
Divya Bean Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Your forgetting about the people who buy low sell high. Theres always a high demand for a weapon before it gets around the weapons icons suck. magma blaster was worth 8m first released. then dropped to a steady 1 - 2m mark today because its slightly weaker than yblaster Yeah, but it is because it wasnt as good. Hopefully the weapon they release will be the best. I'd actually rather they NOT do the tiers. Let the people who scraped up enough points get the best prizes, even if they didn't get the MOST points. It's more fair. I worked hard, I want to reap my rewards. I don't want a wearable just because that was my tier prize. I see your point. And now I agree! I didnt exactly realize that I would miss out even though I worked hard.
shinystarters Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Your forgetting about the people who buy low sell high. Theres always a high demand for a weapon before it gets around the weapons icons suck. magma blaster was worth 8m first released. then dropped to a steady 1 - 2m mark today because its slightly weaker than yblaster too bad the y blaster is now worth like 2 mil, its harder to get now...
Indian_ammi Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 I agree with Livvy, I want it to be beneficial to all who actually TRIED and got a pretty good number of points. I'm not exactly a senior in the Neopets quest/plot area but I like that idea better than the tiered way.
travash Posted November 14, 2010 Author Posted November 14, 2010 Your forgetting about the people who buy low sell high. Theres always a high demand for a weapon before it gets around the weapons icons suck. magma blaster was worth 8m first released. then dropped to a steady 1 - 2m mark today because its slightly weaker than yblaster with the yblaster there were so many that when they first came out i didnt have enough plot points but i picked them up for 600k and 700k. and now they are worth 1.4 mil so is this thing ever gonna end? we were getting like two updates a week now its like a week between each one whats up with tnt?
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