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Adam Powell publishes Christmas Wishlist

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He may pose in that picture, but he has a right to; that's Adam Powell, also known as Borovan, who was cited yesterday in CrowdStorm's Web Entrepreneur's Christmas Wishlists.


Published alongside names such as Simon Murdoch (founder, Bookpages - later to become Amazon UK), Jamie Murray Wells (Glassdirect, world's biggest glasses supplier and online optician) and James Fellowes (set up first UK online shop, and runs an online medical company), Adam Powell, credited for the creation of Neopets.com in 1999, says that he'd love a Nintendo Wii, Star Wars Lego Display Cabinet, VANS 340049 Classic Slip On LX Shoes, Socks and Pants and even a new knee ligament.




What's a little more interesting, though, is the accompanying text: "After selling the site in 2006, he returned from Los Angeles to the UK and is currently bored and looking for new ventures to invest in." The sale of the site refers to the aquisition of Neopets, Inc. by Viacom, the company behind Nickoledean, MTV and Dreamworks, in July 2006. It would appear that Adam left permanantly at this time, as shown by this quote, sourced in the Wishlists page.


Proof finally (?), that Adam isn't with the team - and hasn't been, for quite a while. He most likely has an influence over decisions and keeps in regular contact, perhaps even works a little from home on the site, but with a dedicated team in the US, is it likely? His lookup will still say he is a monitor; even if he isn't, it would cause controversy the Team will not want to deal with if it was removed. In addition, what's happened to Donna Williams, co-founder? Is the site truly American now?


Happy Borovan Day ;)


Update: For all you doubters, read our source, PLEASE.


I'm sure he's still got connections there. Perhaps still helps out a bit. But because he sold a site doesn't meen he doesn't chip in on it.


But it's truely Americanised now. :( Gah. Too little UK class anymore...


Woah, interesting article! How much did he get for Neopets? Well, I think he deserved a small break after he sold the site since he has done a lot of work on it and yes he does have some influence, I'm sure.


Neopets, Inc was purchased by Viacom in July for around $160million.


That's a nice slice of birthday cake! Considering he set it up for a laugh at college. Hmm... I'd better get my thinking cap on for a years time. :P


*cough* anyway. What did happen to the co-founder. I thought she'd have a say in the deal when it happened.


WOW! 160mil! I wonder what I can do with that money. Actually, it didn't seem much change since his leave, since we all don't spot anything peculiarly extraordinary. Does that mean TNT can work without Adam as fine as they did with Adam? :P


Well, he wouldnt have had all that money, and that was in July, anyway ;)


Adam likes Lego! I think I found a new friend! *Somehow finds Adam Powell and gets a restraining order a few minutes later*


Darn. Well, this is pretty interesting anyway.


just 160million? Don't get me wrong, but sure it is A LOT of money like A LOT and his life is already set with that amount. But don't you think he could've gotten more? After all, I'm sure the new owners are actually making more profits than the amount they paid him for the site...


Also wondering, with so much money, can't he afford a new pair of shoes? "My current ones are falling to bits"- Adam.

just 160million? Don't get me wrong, but sure it is A LOT of money like A LOT and his life is already set with that amount. But don't you think he could've gotten more? After all, I'm sure the new owners are actually making more profits than the amount they paid him for the site...


Also wondering, with so much money, can't he afford a new pair of shoes? "My current ones are falling to bits"- Adam.



Adam Powell did not sell Neopets Inc. to Viacom, Doug Dohring did.


Believe me, they don't pocket all the money made from the sale. (;

Adam Powell did not sell Neopets Inc. to Viacom, Doug Dohring did.


Believe me, they don't pocket all the money made from the sale. (;


oh yea, then that would mean he only got $5 'cause if he can't even afford a new pair of shoes...o_O. Sorry if I sound too...skeptical <_<


Maybe he invested other 160M or he is hoping he can get em for free


That makes sense XD. He should've asked for a collection, then. Ah well, I was also wondering what happened to Donna o_O


Just a note to those of you not aware;


Neopets Inc. was sold to Doug Dohring before the site was even made public in 1999. Adam and Donna never officially 'owned' the company / website once it was made public.


Doug Dohring was who sold the company to Viacom Int.


(If you want to question my 'believeability', I've been a player of neopets since it's creation in 1999 and was a volunteer monitor in the past)


It's still a nice " chunk of change " reguardless.But whatever happened to Donna.No one is answering that and inquiring minds want to know,please.


Yeah, I really wonder, where is Donna? After all, you never hear of her anymore.


I'm surprised about Adam though.

Just a note to those of you not aware;


Neopets Inc. was sold to Doug Dohring before the site was even made public in 1999. Adam and Donna never officially 'owned' the company / website once it was made public.


Doug Dohring was who sold the company to Viacom Int.


(If you want to question my 'believeability', I've been a player of neopets since it's creation in 1999 and was a volunteer monitor in the past)


I'm sorry, while the information is true, it is just that I would like some evidence that you were a moniter. Once again I'm sorry, but since you're new to TDN, it's just a bit harder to believe.


I just think it's kinda sad all the way around because companies like that see profit and eat it up! It makes me wonder how long it'll be before more and mroe of the site becomes "restricted" unless you have a premium account. I've been a part of neopets for years (on and off for different reasons) and just can't imagine how things COULD get. I'm not saying they WILL get that way...but most things that large companies end up taking over do in some ways, shapes, or forms. I just hope Neopets stays (for the most part) the exception like it is now!!


Fuzio, I'm not saying you're not telling the truth, but out of curiosity where is your '99 account? I believe you've played that long but wouldn't you keep that account? I'm extremely proud of my main account. While I don't have a ton of trophies to show off etc, I enjoy showing off how long I've been a part of the Neopian World!


Hi All,


I just want to say that Adam is only on a holiday right now and published the list to Crowdstorm when we asked him too. As far as we're aware he still works for Neopets.


While Doug Dohring may have been responsible for selling the company - it is worth considering that Adam and Donna were the founders of Neopets and without them it would never have existed.


And the liklihood that that was a fake is...well, extremely high ;)


We'd only accept corporate comments like that by email, with a crowdstorm address, letterhead, and...just proof =P That's why we're here. We'll theorise. ;)

I just think it's kinda sad all the way around because companies like that see profit and eat it up! It makes me wonder how long it'll be before more and mroe of the site becomes "restricted" unless you have a premium account. I've been a part of neopets for years (on and off for different reasons) and just can't imagine how things COULD get. I'm not saying they WILL get that way...but most things that large companies end up taking over do in some ways, shapes, or forms. I just hope Neopets stays (for the most part) the exception like it is now!!


Fuzio, I'm not saying you're not telling the truth, but out of curiosity where is your '99 account? I believe you've played that long but wouldn't you keep that account? I'm extremely proud of my main account. While I don't have a ton of trophies to show off etc, I enjoy showing off how long I've been a part of the Neopian World!


Well, most people on the HC (Help Chat) know me, as I've been there since it was created. My VERY first account no longer exists but I do have the account 'engage' which is -goes to check- from Sept of 2000.


wow and it also says on the source that he is very good at playing Mario Party :P


and i think the most decent thing on all those lists Michael Smith (haven't a clue) who wants this




i have gotta say that is one very cool bookcase

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