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Congrat! It's a good thing. Though it doesn't mean you've won for sure, they liked what they saw and might use it in the future.


What did you submit?


Yay! I'm proud of even getting held over, really. ^_^


It was a plot-related comic I thought up and had a friend draw for me. (I'm not so great at drawing.)


That's exciting! I hope it gets in. You'll have to let me know so I can see it.


I would love to get in NT, but I've yet to come up with any article ideas (writing is my best thing) and I'm no good at drawing.


Great job! Being held over is indeed a good thing. My article got held over and the very same day got published into the NT ^^


Great job! Being held over is indeed a good thing. My article got held over and the very same day got published into the NT ^^

Wow, that's fast. Mine got held over and then posted in the NT over 2 weeks later.

But yay Livvy! Congratulations!


Congratulations Livvy! It seems that your plot-related collab is doing a whole lot better than mine at getting into the NT. :P


No luck, Theo? I'm sorry. =[


@Bean: I wanna see it too! ^_^ But I'll try not to get my hopes up. It's only a possibility.


Eh, it's not that good of an idea, so it's understandable that the better comics are taking precedence. :yes:


For future reference, we do have a section of articles on the Neopian Times for you to use if you're interested.


I certainly will, Spritz. =] (I know this is silly, but when does the Neopian Times come out each week?)


I honestly have no idea. I think they announce it in the news, but I've never really paid much attention. I usually just randomly end up there.


Congratulations, Livvy! I really look forward to seeing your comic in an upcoming NT!


*pokes board up*


Guys, look!

Dear Livvy,


Congratulations! Your entry (Fighting Shadows) has been selected to appear in a future issue of the Neopian Times. A shiny trophy has been added to your user lookup. Thank you for contributing to the Neopian Times!


*dances happily* They chose my comic! They chose my comic! =D


Whoo-hoo!!! Yay for you, Livvy! :woot: I'm looking forward to seeing your submission in the NT!


Yeah. I'd love to look at your incredulous awesome work!

And I'm sure a lot of others would also like to see!


Will do! Though it's not actually my artwork; I had the idea, and Bluerang1 drew it up for me because I'm not very good at drawing (or if I do draw, it takes me forever).


Will do! Though it's not actually my artwork; I had the idea, and Bluerang1 drew it up for me because I'm not very good at drawing (or if I do draw, it takes me forever).


Nice... collaboration ^^ But then again, there would be no comic if you had no idea. So... yeah. But then again, art attracts the reader, soooo....

I guess you'll both get trophies ^^


Congratulations! :D I'm now definitely looking forward to the next Neopian Times issue this Saturday.

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