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Hi, I'm new to the forum. (Obviously as I'm posting in this section XD)


I'm not new to neopets though. I've been around for 8 years now, wow, that is a long time. Back then, the only helpsite I remembered was tinohelp. Thank goodness for TDN as it had made everything so convenient.


A little bit about myself, I'm sixteen, currently sitting for the Olevels. I have an interest in Literature, a particular favorite author of mine is Nabokov, which my forum name was stolen taken from. I also enjoy political debates and hope someday that my country will see some semblance of integrity. Oh right, I like fancy dinners, learning about history and long walks on the beach. I kid on the last one. ^_^



Edit: TMI? -headdesk-

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Hello hello and welcome! I really like your penguin avatar. Its really cute. It reminds me of the pumpkin my friend and I painted as a penguin this year for Halloween. And as far as the long walks on the beach goes, haha, does anyone really not like long walks on the beach?


And side note, I have no idea what O levels are but I'm going to pretend that it stand for Ordinary Wizarding Levels and that your are actually a student at Hogwarts, which makes me very jealous.

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Haha, thank for compliment on the avatar. The penguins on the pumpkin sounds really awesome! And hard to do =p (I lack any talent in creating art) And on a interesting note, the Ordinary Wizarding Level was based on the O levels, which is a exam you take at the end of four years of secondary school. It's a British thing or at least it used to be. They have the GCSE now while my country is still apparently stuck with Olevels.

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Welcome to TDN! :D I'm glad you're finding our site useful - and wow, eight years? That must mean you started on Neopets when you were eight. I'm the same age as you, and I don't think I could even use a computer when I was eight. :P It seems we do both have a similar level of talent when it comes to art though. xD


Anyway, as a welcomer I'm obliged to gesture vehemently towards the forum rules and insist that you read and abide by them (sign in blood, etc. etc.). :yes:


Hmm... as I understand it, the GCSEs are just the fancy modern name for the Olevels - or at least my teachers would use the terms IGCSEs and Olevels interchangeably when I was studying for them a couple of years back.


Well, I hope you enjoy the forum!

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Wow, what age did you sit for the Olevels?


Btw, I was looking at your about me page and I also love Pratchett & Colfer. Bad Omen was a hilarious read and of course, the discworld series are amazing. And as much as I like the entire Artemis Fowl series, I have to admit, the Atlantis Complex was quite a letdown.


Have you read anything by Jasper Fforde or Douglas Adam?

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I haven't read any of Jasper Fforde's work, but I have been working on getting through the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (awesome series). :yes: Unfortunately I haven't gotten round to reading the Atlantis Complex though.


And I took my IGCSE exams back in 2007, when I was thirteen.

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