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Yay! But no piracy for the anime industry please.

Just as Vic Mignogna says 'buy the DVD, try not to watch it online.'


EDIT: Wait a minute... these are all non dubbed anime *facepalms*.

Never mind... I want to watch all of these animes :)

  • 2 weeks later...

High school of the dead was so cool! And I think in that season also came Mitsudomoe and Shiki....not that great of a season overall though.


Winter preview out already? They have Beelzebub? YES! I've been dying to have that on anime. Mistudomoe's getting a sequel!! :D And wow Wolverine looks...hot XD


If ppl need free, LEGAL streaming sites then Crunchyroll and Anime News Network are the best choices. I think Americans get hoolu. The Funnimation channel has a lot of their stuff there


*sigh* Looks like next season isn't very good either. At least my Mitsudomoe is back, if only for 8 episodes.


Yay! But no piracy for the anime industry please.

Just as Vic Mignogna says 'buy the DVD, try not to watch it online.'

Geez, gag. Hack. Major EYE ROLL. I don't care what any of those idiot American VA say about anything, they and the American studios are all worthless.

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