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Best Game


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Hey guys,


I'm curious- what games are the fastest NP makers?


i.e. You don't have to play the game for very long in order to hit the 1000 mark.



I know of:


Kass Basher

Potato Counter

Meerca Chase II

Fashion Frenzy

200 m peanut dash

Attack of the Revenge

Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway

Dueling Decks

Darigan Dodgeball


(These should are all ~2-3 minutes max to hit the max possible np's)

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Our dailies page has a convenient list of games that are good for making NP, updated every month to reflect changing NP ratios. ;)

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My main sources are kookia, Let it slide, and hot-dog hero.


Last time I played Kookia, I started shouting gibberish because I couldn't keep up with the kookiths! xP

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The game where you watch adverts is called Adver-Video. And yeah, that's a pretty good source of NP. I completely forgot about it...

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Definitely play the sponsor games. Currently the froot loops game gives you 300np every 30sec game no matter how well you do. Big Green Help is 491np per game with a perfect score. (After playing a couple times, you'll know all the answers and be able to do it in under a minute.) Crowd Patrol I typically get ~600np per game and once again, it's not too long at all. There's also a new one, Grand Prix that I haven't tried out yet. Sponsor games are always easy np. Even if you can't get 1,000np from each game, they still don't take long at all.

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