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Battledome Advice PLEASE !!!! HELP !!!!

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I am trying to reach the caps for the plot with this pet




Hit Points: 140 / 140

Strength: AWESOME (66)

Defence: GREAT (24)

Movement: EXCELLENT (51)

Intelligence: master genius (72)


Currently I have these weapons attached


Blue scorchstone



shovel plus

scarab ring


and these abilities activated (all level 1)



drain life


tough skin

magic torch

fiery roar



Can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what I should spend my hard earned nps on to be able to reach the caps for this wave


I do not have a ton of money to spend ... less than 1 million ..... PLEASE HELP AN INEXPERIENCED FIGHTER OUT ♥




Well, you could up that Scarab Ring to a Golden Compass. They're pretty nice. And... I'm not exactly sure what a Shovel Plus does. *will look up shortly* Leaf Shields work really well as far as defense; I recommend looking into one. Your pet's stats are better than mine, so you should be able to make it at least as far as I have.


Lets start with your weapons.


For low range fighting Aka if you dont want to spend a lot the popular choices are


2x Scarab Ring

Snowball Staff {freezer}

Leaf shield is suggestable

Patched magic hat is also a cheap suggestable shield

Keep the downsize

Strongly suggest a Greater Healing Scroll for you


As for your skills i suggest




Drain life


For further reading i suggest


http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/21964-step-three/ <- this is my guide i made for the first round waves at the start of the tiers and fighting.


http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/index/ <- this is tdns guide on how to play the battledome with excellent tips and suggestions.


http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/Fast-Training/ <- this is another guide on the battledpedia that is also helpful for fast training.


Thank you so much for your advice! I will be changing my weapons up today. I have actually got all the deeds, so I beat everyone once ... but as they started gaining hps .. I quickly saw I was not able to beat them.


Or maybe I'm just using the stuff in the wrong order ... I don't know.


I do have a snowglobe staff ... guess I overlooked that.


I will be reading your guide Shadow ... then I will be off to battle a few monsters.


I will be checking back here so if anyone else has any tips or advice ... PLEASE ADD IT !!!


Thanks to those that responded!


One other question .... should I try to upgrade his abilities? they are all level 1 ...


I did change one to sink


The level associated with your faerie abilities has no effect. :yes: So it's pretty normal to leave them all at level 1.


Okay .. thanks so much!


I think I have decided on getting these items ..... please let me know if there is something I should get instead


Greater Healing Scroll

Psellias Fighting Fan

Leaf Shield


adding those to my



scarab ring

snowglobe staff




The prices on everything have skyrocketed ..... I can't even find anyone to sell me a scroll or fan ... got some offers in on the tp and one at the auction house .. guess I just have to wait .....


Just wanted to update a little and say I have now capped 4 of the 6 ... just waiting on them to show back up to complete


This set seems to work pretty well but man the snowglobe is frustrating ... hardly working yesterday .. maybe once every 20 times

it does seem to be working a little better this morning though


Hopefully I can finish capping today


thanks again everyone


One interesting trick I've tried with the Fiery Gaze ability (which also has a chance of freezing) is to double it up with the Snowglobe Staff to improve my chances of a first-turn freeze. :yes: I'm not sure how useful it actually is, but it might be worth considering if you want a few extra freezes.


I noticed last night/early this morning the snowglobe was being more of a pain for me than usual. I feel ya on that.


@AA I may have to check that out. Not sure if I have that or not yet




I will certainly try to double up the fiery gaze and see if that helps


At this point, I simply do not think I will be able to complete the caps without some miracle.


I have 22 out of the 30 for the Shadow Spectre Conqueror and I have lost now many times ... his hps are now close to 300 and my little 140 just cannot hold up it seems. Of coarse the fact that I don't really know what I'm doing might contribute ... but I just don't see a way to beat him.


Any advice guys ???


(not to mention the Shadow Spectre Zealot, I have 2 defeats there but assume I won't really get very far with him either)


Any tips or advice much appreciated !!!


Well, you could go through the Battledoming 101 from IDB - it's less detailed than our battlepedia articles in many areas, but it has some pretty good basic strategy tips. :yes:

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