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Deleting Cookies

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So, I was exploring my cookie list, and found Neopets on there.


I was going to clear it out but I saw things like:





If I clear the cookies, will it affect my login status or whatever else is in there? (amount in bank, shares...)

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Cookies are small packets of information that a website uses to store information on your computer. When you log in, cookies are placed on your computer so your computer can identify itself to Neopets when you visit it (otherwise Neopets would have no way of telling if you were logged in). Clearing your cookies clears your login information, so you'll have to log in again.


Your Neopets account information (bank balance, shares, etc.) is not stored in cookies. It's stored in the Neopets databases. Clearing your cookies will have absolutely no effect on this information. :)


As a side note, it would be hilarious to see a site using cookies to store account information... people would be able to change their details at will simply by manipulating cookies. xD

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