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Once, long ago, well four months back to be precise, I asked the fellow TDNers about a certain Captain Jack Sparrow being good enough to appear at a Charity Week Event. The Funds raised were £11.67, the photos are below.






Yes. they are me, inside the I.T Bods Office. <_<

There were hundreds of fancy dressed people.

Some weird people wanted Jack Sparrow to Tap-Dance.....


Heh. We're on Charity Week at the moment too. Apart from we're not allowed fancy dress. Hrmph.


Funky looking, though.


Last year, we donated 2 goats to LEDCs. But that's totally unrelated...


Heh. Well, I can't honestly remember. Checking a certain website, a goat is £24. So we raised £48 in our Geography class alone.


Anyway, we're going off topic.


Ahahaa cool picture, you should have won for a costume contest :P


omgeesh what a cool picture!

althoughh...a little dirt smudges and stuff

wouldnt hurt ;D

but ya'll still looks awesome!



i just recently watched the

second movie so the image of jack

sparrow is quite vivid in my mind XD

like darker shades of makeup :D

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