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Hi Everyone,


I started playing Neo a little more than 8 years ago. I was an avid battledomer and also started collecting avatars before work and other things in my life caused me to forget about Neo.


Anyway, I opened up my account the other day and I see a plot running. So as I started doing the plot steps, other things started coming up. The neopet dailies, avatars etc. Avatar starried seems to be on an extended hiatus and Google directed me here.


I used to be White Knight on the Illusen's glade forums and if any of you guys are from there it would be nice to chat. At one time I had joined the Legendary Warlords. I wasn't too active so not sure if anyone will remember me from there.

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Hi Paul, and welcome to TDN Forums! :D I must say, that's a pretty impressive avatar count you've got there. And, uh, some very impressive battle stats too. xD I'm unfamiliar with the Illusen's Glade forums, but I suppose it's pretty likely that somebody else around here knows them. Anyway, it's great to see that our resources are being of use to you as you re-acquaint yourself with Neopets. :yes:


Do remember to follow the rules and feel free to ask any questions you may have (or answer them too, as I see you've been doing ;) ). I hope you have a good time here!

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Hi Paul, welcome to the TDN forums!


It's great to have you as a part of the TDN community here.

Enjoy looking around and feel free to post, we're here to help, or let you vent some steam.

It's also good that you've been on Neo for 8 years, I'm sure you have a lot of experience in the various areas.


I hope you find what you need or just feel welcome here.

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I actually went through the rules a little too well :yes: Else I would have ended up spamming the boards to meet the required criteria for the ALP. :whistle:


Well, of the 8 years I think the last 2 don't really count, since I hardly logged in (And missed a few avatars like the Bonju Chef, Daily dare 2010). Previous to that I had a dial up connection (which pretty much sucked for restocking) so played a lot of games for NP. Hence, the trophy collection.


Well. Another 22 non SPAM posts to go and I will be able to up the avatar count further. I even got the ACE Zafra avatar today. Thanks to the cheat for nopopups that I found on the TDN guide. Thanks for the site guys. :)

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Congratulations! :D


And oooh... dial-up. x_x I feel your pain. My connection still drops to dial-up speeds in the afternoons. xD

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