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Dude, in New Zealand they're doing the Cook Island series and they're up to about Day 20.How far are you guys?


And as a spoiler,you can usually find out reality-Tv show winners via Wiki.

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Dude, in New Zealand they're doing the Cook Island series and they're up to about Day 20.How far are you guys?


And as a spoiler,you can usually find out reality-Tv show winners via Wiki.


They are on day 37-38, so the winner isnt' announced yet :P but i'll know in the next 3 hours.

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LOL everyone in the US knows who the winner is....I won't say as to not spoil it for you though, have fun watching the rest of the shows!

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I sometimes watch it, the finale was on last night here. They exagerate way too much though (like on the "next time on Suvivor" parts) They said Ozzy would fall, and he didnt.. unless you count slipping of a rope and catching yourself :P

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