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Lookup request


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Hey guys,


I really can't make a lookup that looks awesome, I'm not just as good in coding as many here... so I would like to make a request for anyone who wants to help me.

I would like to have:

1. Pirate theme

2. Newest current and wanted avies box

3. Wishlist box

4. point 2 & 3 may go aligned to the left

5. images... A must is the krawk island team logo, the rest I leave them in your hands. Maybe some dubloons or just the pirate altador theme I don't know XD

6. Darkish colours... nothing 2 bright like red an black (I think thats obvious but you never know)

I think thats all, any questions don't be afraid to ask XD


Thank you

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I might be able to do it. You'll have to wait until Oct. 1st, though, since I'm on a really tight schedule and I got Monthlies this week. So if you don't find anyone by then, talk to me and we'll work something out.

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