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Uhh. So I've just been boochi'd for the first time, meaning Boochi turned my scorchio into a baby. So annoying :grrr: So my question for you is: Have you ever been boochi'd? Can this happen more than once? Did this happen to you more than once?


Too bad it couldn't have happened to my lab rat...I guess its a good thing he was only blue before and not anything fancy pants and such. Feel free to rant and or vent with me.

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You know, I really think that he is kind of cute in baby form but really, he was named after the dragon from eragon who is blue and well, the whole, baby's are only one color thing annoys me. Why can't he be baby and blue, that'd be okay. But most of the baby pet's I don't like that much, except the baby chomby, too cute for words, hence this smiley :wub_anim:

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I've always wanted Boochi to zap one of my Pets (that wasn't a permie).


But no, never been Boochi'd before, and yes, can happen more than once ^^

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I've been playing for 8 years, and I've never gotten the Boochi RE. But I plan for the case it happens. I have my Draik as my active right now, since she's painted Camo and that's cheap to repaint. But once I paint her Faerie, she will no longer be my active.

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